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Gay Meteorologist Has Epic Response To Viewer Calling Him A Gay Slur Over Weather Prediction

Gay Meteorologist Has Epic Response To Viewer Calling Him A Gay Slur Over Weather Prediction
Meteorologist David Bernard/Facebook

*The following article contains discussion of suicide/self-harm.

A gay meteorologist from Louisiana shut down a troll who denounced him in an email using a homophobic slur.

David Bernard, the chief meteorologist of the WVUE-TV news station in New Orleans, received a hateful message on July 16 from a sender who called himself Stephen LaFrance.

The message to Bernard read in part: “Nice job Predicting weather fa**t.”

The anti-LGBTQ epithet was spelled with just one 'g' but it's clear what he intended to convey.

Meteorologist David Bernard/Facebook

Bernard, a 30-year veteran in the field, refused to let the harassment slide.

He seized the opportunity to raise awareness about LGBTQ+ bullying, while simultaneously schooling the hater.

Bernard, who is open about his personal life online, shared a screenshot of the email and posted it on his Facebook page, with the following caption.

"I received a disturbing email yesterday from a person who was upset about the forecast," wrote Bernard.

"After 30 years I can stand and accept the criticism when I get it wrong."
"What I won’t accept are personal attacks about me."

He continued:

"This individual sent me this email using his company email which I’m refraining from posting at this time since I don’t know if it is his own or owned by others."

Before signing off, Bernard had one note for this character.

"And by the way the word faggot has two G’s."

Most of the commenters in the post spoke out against the vile message and showed Bernard some love and support.

Louisiana State Representative Sally-Ann Roberts, wrote:

"The world needs less hate and more kindness. It makes me sad that this person directed hatred toward you and the LGBTQ community."

WAFB News reporter Liz Koh, said:

“David, I’m sorry to hear that people like this take time out of their day to be hateful and ugly."

Other viewers expressed their objections to the homophobic email.

"I am so sorry you have to deal with this," wrote a commenter.

"This world needs more kindness, and this person missed out on manners and education!! David, keep reporting the weather to us, just as you do, and keep living a life that is full of love and happiness. We all love you!!"

Another wrote:

"That’s wrong in so many ways here we go again, just because things aren’t the way certain people want…. They have to attack some of the best people they could ever meet."
"David I sure hope you know that’s not what good people think love ya."

This woman injected some levity in her comment.

"I still think your the most handsome weather man there is even though I wouldn’t stand a chance. We love you David! All the way from Grand Isle!" wrote Kelli Bladacker Scardino.

Another out meteorologist from the Weather Channel, Scot Pilié, said:

“The amount of love always outweighs the hate, but it doesn’t mean the hateful comments don’t still sting,”

Twitter users also weighed in with their thoughts.

Bernard assured those who were concerned about him that he was doing okay.

"I love all of you. Let me make clear that I am doing ok," he wrote.

"Being an out gay man in public has had its struggles especially 30 years ago when I got into television but because of the support of so many family members, friends and people like you it has gotten much easier."
"But the reality is it is NOT easy for many people still today who feel marginalized. Comments like the one in the email are like a death by a thousand cuts for those that don't have that support network in place."

Bernard turned the disturbing interaction into one of healing by sharing a link to The Trevor Project–a non-profit organization focusing on suicide prevention amongst LGBTQ+ youth.

"I have supported the Trevor Project over the years and made a donation today," he wrote, adding, " I invite you to do the same or to any other organization that helps those who have less or are made to feel they are less."

According to an LGBTQ discrimination study conducted by the National Library of Medicine, roughly 57% of LGBTQ adults in the US have been called homophobic slurs in social settings.

LGBTQ+ Youth can get help through: