Fergie's National Anthem from the NBA All-Star game will forever live in infamy.
But now it shall no longer live alone.
Fergie's version of "The Star-Spangled Banner" was notable for its jumping to several different keys, odd riffs and pitch choices, rhythms that made no sense—you name it, and it was there.
Refresh your memory here.
To be fair, Francis Scott Key borrowed the music for his lyrics from an 18th century drinking song that touted imbibing heavily and engaging in lots of sex so...
...it's an interesting tune.
Two years later, at the same game, singer Chaka Khan said:
"Fergie, hold my beer!"
Once again, the key seemed to change every measure.
Riffs were thrown in where riffs never were before. As one Twitter user stated, the "I'm Every Woman" singer seemed to have every single woman at once vying for a spot in her National Anthem.
Others are wondering whether or not Fergie and Chaka Khan conspired before the airing, giving each other tips on how to sing the music.
Others really just can't believe this happened twice at the same event.
And honestly, who was watching the game after this instead of howling on Twitter about that moment?
Magic Johnson actually praised the new rendition:
But most were of the opposite point of view.
Safe to say whoever is in charge of booking the National Anthem singers for the NBA All-Stars games may not have a job come 2021.