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Tucker Carlson And Laura Ingraham Blasted For Mocking Capitol Officers' Testimony During Hearing

Tucker Carlson And Laura Ingraham Blasted For Mocking Capitol Officers' Testimony During Hearing
Fox News

Faf right Fox News hosts Laura Ingraham and Tucker Carlson faced backlash for their coverage of the House select committee's hearing on the January 6 Capitol riot turned insurrection.

The conservative duo—who in the past called for supporting police officers and condemned protesters—responded by outright mocking the officers who dealt with violence at the hands of Trump-supporting insurrectionists.

Ingraham even made a spoof awards show to further degrade the officers giving their gut wrenching testimony of the violence they faced at the hands of QAnon devotees, White nationalists and White supremacists in the MAGA mob.

You can see the Ingraham video here:

People felt there was no depth too low for Ingraham—called a monster by her own brother—to go.

For his part Tucker Carlson, upon viewing officer Michael Fanone disclose his experience with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) stemming from the violence encountered during the riot, Carlson balked and claimed the insurrection was simply a "political protest that got out of hand."

Carlson was quick to call BLM protesters terrorists. But the Trump adherent framed an actual violent attack on the nation's Capitol building as just "out of hand".

The Fox News personalities flip flop on their unwavering support of police—especially those that kill unarmed BIPOC—did not go unnoticed.

People on both sides of the aisle were appalled by their hypocrisy.

Hopefully the bipartisan House hearings bring justice to the victims of the attack on the United States government.

More than the rioters are responsible for this attack on democracy.