While she is absolutely willing to speak her mind whenever a healthy dose of honesty is called for, Hip hop superstar Cardi B doesn't typically trade jabs in the formal political world.
That is, until she interviewed Democratic Presidential Candidate Joe Biden for Elle Magazine.
For the most part, many praised Cardi B for the interview.
They lauded her focus on key national issues like education, healthcare, the pandemic, and the ongoing effects of racism. She even shared some personal background about her own struggles and perseverance through an upbringing in poverty in Bronx, NY.
One Conservative activist, however, was not a fan at all.
Candace Owens, known for her ever-increasing support for Donald Trump and denunciation of Black Lives Matter, lashed out against the entire interview during an appearance with conspiracy theorist Ben Shapiro. Above all, Owens called Cardi B an inadequate representative of the Black community for Biden to engage with.
She criticized Biden of pandering by choosing "someone with millions of followers."
"Joe Biden, who has been hiding in his basement for the entire year, made an appearance to be with Cardi B. Do we have nothing better to offer?"
Owens elaborated on that point for a couple minutes.
"Black people that thought 'Yay, that's a win!' no it's not a win. It shows you that they still believe that you are so stupid that they couldn't find any of the amazing intellectual Black people that we have in the world to sit down with him and ask tough questions."
"There are way more intellectual Black Democrats who could have sat down, and you chose an illiterate rapper, because that's what she is, she's illiterate."
But Cardi B was not about to hear that rant without advocating for herself.
In response, she posted a video taken by her sister, Hennessy in which she was harassed at the beach.
Cardi B pointed to ongoing racist episodes like that as the very simple reason that she spoke with Biden.
Owens, however, fired back with a snarky tweet of her own.
But Cardi B responded again.
She explained that her massive platform carried important influence in the upcoming election.
Owens took to Instagram to try to have the last word.
Most folks on social media were on Cardi B's side however.
They echoed her responses to Owens' criticisms.
Clearly, the dispute did not come to a resolution. As the argument and comments showed, the opposite ends of the political spectrum are obviously firmly rooted.
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