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People Divulge The Worst Lies They've Ever Been Told

Reddit user DrixzLmao asked: 'What is the worst lie you’ve been told your whole life?'

Scrabble tiles spelling "speak, truth".
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

It's a rather ironic bit of truth that we are all lied to more in our lives than we are probably aware.

Of course, most of the time people lie to us in an effort to protect us, keep us from getting hurt, or keep our childish innocence alive (... how old were you when you learned the truth about a certain jolly Christmas icon?)

Other times, people might tell us a little white lie or fib because they know the truth will likely upset us, but this bit of dishonesty won't have a major effect on us moving forward.

Then there are the lies that still haunt us to this very day, where we still can't get over our shock or devastation upon learning the truth.

Redditor DrixzLmao was curious to hear about the worst lies people were ever told in their lives, leading them to ask:

"What is the worst lie you’ve been told your whole life?"

Sure It is...

"It's fixed in the next release."- Anubis1958

Oh Yes, He Would!

"Your father wouldn’t do that."- Hello-from-Mars128

This Could Mean All Sorts Of Things...

"'We're like a family'."

"Multiple companies I have worked for."- UgliestDisability

Happy Season 9 GIF by The Office Giphy

Actions Have Consequences...

"That jobs would look at my middle/high school discipline records."- Wack_isCrAck

And You Thought Berger's Post It Was Bad...

"Μy friend was helping her boyfriend wһen his dad discovered he had cancer."

"Ηe was distraught and went home оften."

"It put a pretty big strain оn their relationship."

"Finally, his father succumbed and passed away."

"Ηe broke up with her shortly after."

"Ϝive days later she got a call FROM ΗIS DEAD FATHER asking if everything wаs okay between the two of them."

"Τhe father never even had cancer."

"Ηe made the whole thing up."- jeaf420

Could Depend On Your Major...

"That if I get good grades and go to college, I can avoid having to scrub toilets for other people."- Vivid_Ad_1320

season 4 report card GIF Giphy

Ignorance Isn't Always Bliss...

"Ignore bullies, they'll get bored."- Longjumping-Party186

Though Family Can't Be Defined By Blood

"My older sister told me that I was adopted huh."- Ok_Psychology7527

When A Joke Is A Little Too Good...

"I grew up in an Italian family."

"When I was about 10 - 14 years old I asked why they had a single long nail on their hand, and more specifically the pinky?"

"They all told me it was because it made picking their nose easier.."

"I believed this into my late 20's, till one day my co-workers informed me that it's a drug thing..."

"Then it all made sense."- tumbling_snowball

Deep Breath Sigh GIF by Rosanna Pansino Giphy

Always Wanting To Be Closer To Your Dad...

"'Your bio father (guy A) knew I was pregnant and he didn't want you'."

"When he showed up to court to sign away his rights in order for dad (guy B) to adopt you, he shrugged and said 'I don't care'."

"'But dad has always been there for you'."

"Yeah, I found out at 30 that a different man (guy C) was my bio father, mom knew, and he never knew I existed."

"Man was crushed."- PlanktonOk4846

No Matter How Glowing The Recommendation...

"You will get a job based on your merits."

"Found out it's not the case at times."

"It's who you know, not what you know."- Moon_Jewel90

Work/Life Balance Is Not As Easy As It Sounds...

“'Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life'.”

"Find a career at the intersection of'":

"'I don’t hate doing this'."

"'I am skilled in this area and can continue to grow'."

"'There is demand for this skill and it pays decently'."

“'Doing what you love' and turning it into a job is the fastest way to hate what you love."

"Instead, find things that will provide a living for you that you somewhat enjoy, and then just keep running with it."

"And it’s ok if you don’t know what that is at 17 years old."

"Spend 18-26 figuring out what that path is and then go after it like crazy."- thelegendofcarrottop

mark mckinney thumbs down GIF by Superstore Giphy

More Accurately, "IF" You Went To High School

"Employers will really care about where I went to high school."- jiggle-me-in

At Least, They Should...

" Parents know best."


"Glad I stopped listening otherwise I would end up deeply miserable."- AphrodisiaMystique

Borderline Fraud!

"Unsubscribe link in the emails."- brekekekekx

Unfriend Delete GIF by MOODMAN Giphy

There's a reason people say "honesty is always the best policy".

As sometimes learning the truth can feel much, much worse than knowing you'd been lied to.

And the truth always has a way of getting out.