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People Share The Weirdest Compliment They've Ever Received

People Share The Weirdest Compliment They've Ever Received

I was once sitting around, minding my own business, when a customer––this was back when I used to work in retail––informed me that I had amazing fashion sense. That was nice. They then told me it looked like I "knew how to dress myself cheaply" which was true, just not necessarily so for the outfit I was wearing at the time.

How should I have taken that? I still don't know, but this person were certainly insistent on letting me know, beckoning me to listen from the top of the ladder I stood on at the time.

After Redditor Landsteiner7507 asked the online community, "Whats the weirdest compliment you've ever received?" people lined up to tell their stories. After reading some of these, I have to conclude I've been rather lucky.

"I'm not sure..."


I'm not sure it was a compliment but I had a cashier at Walgreens tell me (at like 1am) that I had the facial structure of a Druid.


"Used to work..."

Used to work retail and my voice is surprisingly deep for my looks. Customer once explained it saying that I "sounded like I've been drinking whiskey since I was born."


"Doctor told me..."


Doctor told me my inner ear structure looked exactly like the ones in the medical textbook. So I guess I've got that going for me.


"I was playing in a badminton tournament..."

I was playing in a badminton tournament and had a woman thirty years my senior come up and tell me that I have the perfect eyebrows (I'm a dude). Apparently she was a professional make up artist and had an eye for such things.


"It was weird..."

When I was 11, we had this buddy system at school and I had to be a buddy to a 7 year old. She was a sweet girl, but she was a little bit bossy, and insisted on calling us older people her chinchillas and rats.

One time she hugged me, which was adorable, since she was so small, and she said: "I like you, because you've got so much flesh to eat!"

It was weird, but oddly sweet. I loved horror stories as a child and maybe this is why that had such a huge impact on me. She ended up stealing a book from her brother and then she gave it to me as a gift, and then I gave her some chinchilla treats in return when I left primary school. I haven't heard from her since.


"I was told..."


I was told I have a nice European accent when speaking English, but I'm from Asia (never lived in Europe or anything).


"My colleague..."

My colleague who's thirty years older than me said that I have nice long fingers. The most funny part is that she didn't mean it sexually.

Well at least that's how she made it look...


"I was working in retail..."

I was working in retail, minding my business, when a lady, mid walking with her family, pointed at me and shouted (somewhat aggressively) "I want your skin! It's nice!"

I was scared and flattered at the same time.


"But he had to take it further..."


I shook hands with my friend to wish him luck for his final examination and he pulled away and said that my hand was really soft.


But he had to take it further and announce it to everyone else. My friends spent a couple of minutes examining my hands before I told them to cut it out.



"He didn't know..."

"You look like you have the kind of imagination where you don't need to watch porn."

Random guy at an old part time job. He didn't know I'm an author and actually don't watch porn, so I was pretty flattered...
