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The RNC Just Tried To Shame Biden On Twitter For Being Polite In Viral Clip—And It Backfired Hard

The RNC Just Tried To Shame Biden On Twitter For Being Polite In Viral Clip—And It Backfired Hard
Jim Watson/AFP via Getty Images

The Republican National Committee (RNC) was criticized after it attempted to shame Democratic President Joe Biden on Twitter following a polite exchange with Kentucky Democratic Governor Andy Beshear, whose state recently suffered devastating floods that claimed multiple lives and caused billions of dollars in damages.

When Biden asked Beshear if he could ask him a question, Beshear deferred to Biden's presidential authority. Biden was lauded for being empathetic and for not defaulting to customs surrounding his title when he replied he still needed to "ask permission."

It was a polite moment acknowledged by seemingly everyone except the RNC, who highlighted it in a dig at Biden via the organization's official Twitter account.

However, if the RNC felt they were highlighting some bad behavior on Biden's part, they were sorely mistaken.

Many called out the RNC and came to Biden's defense.

At least 37 people have died since more than 10 inches of rain fell in just 48 hours across Kentucky, causing flooding that has still not abated.

The National Weather Service has warned that Kentuckians should be on alert as more thunderstorms and rain are expected in already afflicted areas.

Beshear said the flooding was "unlike anything we've ever seen" in Kentucky and thanked Biden for his swift approval of federal assistance, which will ensure that the federal government will cover the full cost of debris removal and other flood-related expenses. Biden pledged that the federal government is "not leaving, as long as it takes, we're going to be here."

Biden previously visited Kentucky in December 2021, shortly after a series of violent tornadoes battered the state, killing 77 people. At the time, he announced that the federal government would cover all costs for the first 30 days of emergency work completed in Kentucky's afflicted areas.