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Part Of The Original Eiffel Tower Just Went Up For Sale—And Was Bought For A Hefty Sum

Part Of The Original Eiffel Tower Just Went Up For Sale—And Was Bought For A Hefty Sum
Photo by W & Co-English Heritage-Arcaid-Corbis via Getty Images

A piece of history went on the bidding block, and the buyer paid big.

The Eiffel Tower, located in Paris, France, was built between 1887-1889 to use as the entrance for the 1889 World's Fair. Now the Eiffel Tower is one of the most recognizable landmarks in all the world.So it was no surprise people were excited when the original staircase connecting the second and third levels went up for auction.

We just didn't realize how excited they would be. $192,107.00 worth of excitement to be exact.

That is what one Middle Eastern bidder paid to call a piece of history their own. The French auction house Artcurial originally estimated the stairs would fetch around $40,000-$60,000.

Image the surprise when that number tripled.

Viva La France!

Not everyone was so impressed.

No, your eyes are not deceiving you.

A great piece of history perhaps, but $192,107.00 great?

H/T: CNN, Twitter Moments