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Olympics Fans Can't Get Over The Dramatic Presentations Of The Flags During The Medal Ceremonies

Olympics Fans Can't Get Over The Dramatic Presentations Of The Flags During The Medal Ceremonies

The 2022 Winter Olympics may have been missing everyone's favorite oiled-up Tongan flagbearer, Pita Taufatofua—but that doesn't mean there's a shortage of flag-related fun.

In fact, some might argue this has been the most fun flag year yet!

Military traditions differ around the world, but they typically involve some formal way to honor the flag of a nation. That formality often includes precise ceremonial movements—something the Chinese military is known for.

It wasn't necessarily surprising to the world when Chinese soldiers at the Olympics unfurled and raised flags with fervor and panache. People just weren't expecting them to serve up this level of flagtastic fantasy.

Time after time, the solders flicked fiercely and gave perfect pivots while the internet fell in love with their fancy flagwork.

It wasn't always perfect—like this moment where the flag splatted across the soldier's face and he had to stand there (not laughing!) while it awkwardly caressed its way up his visage.

Eurosport's social media person nailed it with these emojis.


He really gave his all 💃💁 #Olympics #OlympicSpirit #funny

This soldier NOT laughing might just be the most impressive Olympic feat of the year.







But this wasn't the only struggle moment.

A flawless flag flick is a nearly-impossible feat. The wind wasn't necessarily on #TeamSoldiers and often just blew the banners back in their faces.

They somehow stayed stoic over and over.

Twitter, however, did not.

People even loved it when it went perfectly—which is a rare thing on social media where blunders and bloopers are popular.

The Olympics are meant to be inspiring, but typically it's the athletes that people fall for.

2022 is the year of the fancy flag-flick—and we wouldn't have it any other way.