Every country has its own cultures, beliefs, and practices. We know this, and yet, when we hear how a country does something differently than our own, we remain surprised.
Americans, in particular, seem to be endlessly surprised about European practices.
Redditor TREE__FROG asked:
"What is something that is normalized in Europe yet is a completely unknown concept in the US?"
"No, we don't all walk around naked all day."
"Yes, we have nude beaches. Yes, on most regular lakes where people go swimming, you most likely see their little kids running around nekkid. Yes, most saunas are "nude only". Yes, you see boobs, a**, and p**is on TV (like, if there's a movie and the situation 'demands' it). Yes, we have sex education where they use books with images of naked humans in school."
"It's just a body. And no, nude doesn't mean 'sex!'"
- kant0r
French Fries Without Ketchup
"Mayo with french fries."
"I’m in the US but have cousins in Holland. They introduced me to to this years ago and it’s pretty awesome."
- Robhow
"The irony of Americans putting mayo on everything EXCEPT french fries.
- TheMightyMustachio
Maternity Leave
"Maternity and paternity leave."
- misterbondpt
"I think California has the most progressive parental leave policies in the nation. But it’s not as good as what my friends in Europe have."
- TheOsider
Affordable Healthcare
"Providing healthcare to sick people without bankrupting them."
- EXXPat
Walkable Cities
"Walkable cities."
- TenNinetyThree
"More specifically - not just cities but basically every single town having walkable areas."
"I knew coming to Europe that the cities would be like that, but living here has shown me that it’s everywhere where people live."
"We’re pretty aware of terrible diets leading to obesity in America, but not having the ability to walk anywhere doesn’t get talked about nearly enough as a contributing factor."
- BradDaddyStevens
Refrigerated Eggs
"Not putting eggs in the refrigerator."
- blacksystembbq
"It depends on which country you're talking about. Here in Denmark, all eggs are refrigerated, simply because they'll last longer that way."
- MBAdk
Vacation Days vs. Sick Days
"I’m a project manager in the US, and it baffles me that my European team gets an entire month off in the summer."
"I’m over here saving my vacation days in case I get sick."
- smileysarah267
Metric System
"Using the metric system."
- RosmarinSalbeiTee
"Nah, that's EVERYWHERE except the US."
- ThongsGoOnUrFeet
The Presence of Wildlife
"Not worrying about wild animals when you're going out hiking. In most of Western Europe, at least, needing to carry bear spray or whatever is just not a thing. Our 'wildlife' such as it is is pretty tame and sadly, any wilderness we have isn't really... wilderness on the scale of North America."
- palishkoto
Rights to Online Privacy
"Legally enshrined right to online privacy."
- Quegyboe
"Not just privacy but the constitutional right to informational self-determination. This means you have the right to decide what happens to your information including your likeness and who is allowed to have it. Even if you've given it before, you have the right to demand to have the information about you be erased."
"That's why Facebook has huge issues in Germany because German judges don't f**k around when it comes to the right to informational self-determination."
- not_ya_wifey
Access to Alcohol
"More people are day drinking in Europe than I have ever seen in America."
- CamilaHelena
"I mean it’s a whole different culture around alcohol you guys even have a separate verb of 'day drinking' because apparently that’s different than just drinking."
- baddolphin3
"This was going to be my answer. Completely different cultures and outlooks on alcohol. I believe in The States it's viewed as an addiction to alcohol rather than a regular daylight hours thing to see. In addition, the drinking ages we have are lower or far more relaxed depending on the country."
"Same situation with nudity and sex. Not all nudity is sexual inherently. In my country, we are not ashamed of nudity nor immediately correlate it with sex. It's not unusual to see nudity in public parks, in newspapers, on TV, shared public showering nude after swimming nude, advertising. There are too many examples, I can't even think of them all, as it's normal to us... and highly shocking to Americans to the point of outrage."
- That_Babe_Anethesia
Tipping Culture
"Here in Europe, you don't have to tip people for doing their job."
- xxGURIxx
"Yes, because we pay them a living wage by law. Including health care!"
- 077u-5jP6ZO1
Reusable Shopping Bags
"Taking your own shopping bag(s) to the supermarket."
"Totally normalized in all European countries as far as I know. Or buy a (firm) shopping bag at the store if you don't have one with you."
"All those plastic bags in US stores, so small that it can only hold two cans of milk so you see customers with a dozen plastic bags for their groceries... unthinkable in Europe."
- Shrooma11
No Gaps Needed
"Bathroom doors with no gaps."
- P1nk_barbie
"Those are gaining a little bit of traction here in the States and I’m so glad."
- RockNRollTrollDoll_
Taxes Included
"Prices already include taxes."
- Bada**-19
"I’ve lived in Australia most of my life, but I spent a few years living in the US when I was young."
"I vividly remember having saved up for a Wii game I wanted, going down to the electronics store with my 50 dollar note, and trying to buy the game with a '$50' sticker on it, only to get to the counter and find out that it actually secretly cost more than that (and the guy at the checkout was pretty rude about it, too)."
"I had to go home empty-handed because I didn’t know enough about US taxes when I was 12."
- mayanais
Every country is bound to be different, but instead of looking at the ways we're different as bad things, we could instead look at these differences as a source of inspiration. There's always room for improvement!