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Reporter Slams Dr. Oz and His Wife After Overhearing Them Call Her A 'F*cking Girl Reporter'

Reporter Slams Dr. Oz and His Wife After Overhearing Them Call Her A 'F*cking Girl Reporter'
Leigh Vogel/Getty Images

When running for political office, one would think the chance to talk to the media would be a great self-promotion opportunity.

However, Dr. Mehmet Oz—who is running for the Senate to represent Pennsylvania as a Republican—tried to shut down an interview, but failed hard.

A profile on Dr. Oz by Olivia Nuzzi for New York Magazine revealed an attempt to interview the political hopeful led her on a wild goose chase to talk to anyone involved in the campaign.

This included a call to the public phone number for the Ozes who tried to hang up, failed and repeatedly insulted both Nuzzi and the news media in general.

It’s a truly incredible story.

Nuzzi relayed in her profile the difficulty she had talking to anyone involved in the Dr. Oz political campaign.

After trying the campaign’s headquarters and multiple numbers for Dr. Oz himself, she eventually tried a public number for his wife Lisa Oz.

Lisa answered but tried to hang up. In this endeavor, she failed.

Nuzzi was still on the line as the Ozes complained about her.

They got the name of the magazine wrong as they complained about Nuzzi’s work—including a made-up accusation against her by ex-Trump aide Corey Lewandowski after Nuzzi reported details about his obsession with a White House Official.

Mrs. Oz said on the line:

“This f***ing girl reporter. This is the girl reporter who broke into some guy’s house and stole all his photo albums.”

The Ozes then talked about locking their doors to prevent a similar fate to the completely false accusation.

The whole incident led to jokes online.

The profile continued with Dr. Oz misunderstanding comments made by Michelle Bouchard, a friend of the Ozes who said Dr. Oz was part of the “new guard.”

In the overheard phone call, Dr. Oz thought she was calling him the next leader of the Republican party, which she clearly did not.