Former New York Mayor and 2020 Presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg defended New York City's stop and frisk laws which disproportionately targeted and endangered young Black and Latino men until a judge ruled it unconstitutional in 2013.
A cringeworthy tape was recently released of Bloomberg saying that all crime is in minority communities and that one could theoretically xerox a single description and apply it to 95% of criminals in New York.
Then—in a shattering blow to glass houses everywhere—the President's kid chimed in.
Donald Trump Jr. concluded his tweet with the hashtag #BloombergIsARacist.
While Bloomberg's comments were racist, people were flabbergasted that the son of a President who gleefully stoked homegrown fears with his own racist and xenophobic rhetoric felt compelled to feign outrage on Twitter.
Bloomberg advisor Tim O'Brien tweeted a lengthy 20 part thread of some of Trump's "greatest hits" when it comes to racism.
Others called Junior out as well.
People pointed out that the President himself defended stop and frisk laws. Trump even vowed to enact them on a national level when he was campaigning for President.
As usual, Junior probably just should've stayed quiet.