Children grow up in the blink of an eye. Every parent wishes at some point that they could look back on their child's infancy and hold onto it for just one more moment. Fortunately, Dutch filmmaker Frans Hofmeester had the foresight to plan for that. Beginning the week she was born in 1999, Hofmeester began taking short clips of his daughter and piecing them together into an unbelievable time-lapse journey through her childhood.
This is Hofmeester:
To prompt her, Hofmeester would ask Lotte about her week, or about what she'd been learning in school.
Here's the whole video!
Hofmeester made a similar video feautring his son, Vince!
YouTube viewers were in awe of the video!
Thanks to their father's dedication, these children will be able to watch themselves grow up in a way very few ever will.
The video also made some reflect on their own lives in a nostalgic way.
As a child grows up, parents have to be careful not to blink lest they miss something important. Perhaps, watching these videos, the rest of us can finally understand the feeling.
H/T - Bored Panda, YouTube