Affable talk show host Conan O'Brien is known for his self-deprecating humor on his eponymous late night show and his social interactions on Twitter is an extension of his goofy television persona. So, it's not surprising that his latest holiday tweet regarding Christmas carolers, hit a slam dunk with followers.
On Thursday morning, Conan tweeted, "If the Christmas carolers at my door are really good, I turn my red swivel chair dramatically toward them," referring to the swivel of approval potential mentors give amateur singers on the Emmy-winning singing competition show, The Voice.
We'd love to see Conan preside among the other judges like Adam Levine and Jennifer Hudson and show them who's boss by taking his chair out for multiple spins and unfurling his signature swooping bangs. One user referred to his pompadour, asking, "Does it match yer hair?"
One user said, "Personally I like to assimilate in to their ranks and slowly take over the group. Conquer from with-in!"
Another got the uncontrollable giggles, tweeting, "I chuckled forcefully."
We can almost see the hilarious redhead's put-on contemplative face with his back towards a group of carolers, his hard expression slowly dissolving to wonderment and joy before finally giving himself the whiplash-inducing swivel in his red chair to exclaim, "I want them!"
And that's one of the reasons why we love Conan's tweet. Team Coco for the win.
Followers had fun, taking their imaginations even further. A feline companion was a popular mention.
The talk show host is also known for his spontenaety. It wouldn't be suprising if did this.
Surely Conan can't approve every contestant. So what would he do to show is disapproval? One guy had the right idea.
Followers gave the tweet got over nine thousand likes.
Conan's had a few gems embraced by Twitter, which is unsurprising since he got his start as a writer on SNL for many years before becoming a mainstay on late night tv.
Some of his best moments on Twitter include discussing Greek fiscal matters.
& he made a mashup out of being gangsta and crafty.
&'s another tweet that made an impression of seismic proportions.
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