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Lauren Boebert

Colorado Parents In Uproar After Lauren Boebert Was Allowed To Speak To Students At School

Parents complained to the Dolores, Colorado, school board as well as school officials that 'extremely divisive' Lauren Boebert was allowed to speak to their children at school.

Lauren Boebert
Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

Tensions ran high during the recent Dolores, Colorado RE-4A school board meeting, as parents voiced their concerns over the school's decision to invite Republican Representative Lauren Boebert to speak to students during their assembly in March.

While some parents praised the assembly and the opportunity for students to interact with their elected representative, others strongly criticized the decision to allow Boebert to speak on school grounds.

One of the parents, identified only as Leah, expressed disappointment that parents were not allowed to attend the assembly in person and suggested that allowing parents to watch the event over Zoom might have helped to alleviate tensions.

However, Leah expressed her lack of confidence in Superintendent Reece Blincoe's ability to lead the school district and criticized the decision to renew his contract for another year.

Other parents, identified as Mary and Kyle, were equally critical of the school's decision to invite Boebert to speak.

Mary complained that the administration was "disorganized" and that parents were "left in the dark" about the event. She also took issue with Boebert's statement about her faith, which Mary claimed meant that Christianity had been openly discussed on campus.

Kyle was angry that a "polarizing" figure like Boebert had been allowed to speak at the school and vowed to ensure that such an event never happened again, a nod to her repeated attacks against the electoral process and position as one of the most far-right members of Congress.

Perhaps the most pointed criticism came from Molly Cooper, who accused the school of victimizing non-white and LGBTQ+ students by inviting Boebert to speak. Cooper claimed that the school had put LGBTQ+, nonbinary, and trans students at risk by allowing Boebert to come to campus, and she demanded that the school be held accountable for its "poor choice."

Many have criticized Boebert and the school district in light of the events.

In response to the criticism, Board President Meagan Crowley defended the decision to invite Boebert to speak, arguing that it gave students the opportunity to interact with their elected representative and advocate for funding for rural schools.

Crowley also praised the students for their respectful and attentive behavior during Boebert's presentation and emphasized that "missing out on the opportunity" to interact with the congresswoman would have been to the district's detriment.

Superintendent Blincoe also addressed the criticism during his report, emphasizing that Boebert's visit provided "civic students with a unique opportunity to hear from their elected representative."

While acknowledging that he had received some "nasty" emails from parents regarding the event, Blincoe stood by his decision to invite Boebert to speak and expressed his willingness to have conversations with parents who disagreed with him.