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CNN Pundit Sounds Off After Door-Knocking Local Candidate Makes 'Housewife' Comment Straight Out Of The 1950s

CNN Pundit Sounds Off After Door-Knocking Local Candidate Makes 'Housewife' Comment Straight Out Of The 1950s
Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images for Variety

S.E. Cupp, a centrist Republican political commentator for CNN, has long been known for her lack of patience with some of her party's baser instincts.

So when a local Republican candidate knocked on her door with a "straight out of the 1950s" approach, calling her a "housewife" and requesting to speak to her husband, it was only a matter of time before Cupp made an example of him.

She took to Twitter and told the whole story, and while she was kind enough to not name him, she made sure to rake him over the coals and use him to teach other male politicians a lesson.

Cupp began her tweet thread by sharing the politician's opening salvo and... well, yikes.

She wrote:

"When you go door to door, campaigning for local office, don’t say to the woman who answers (me), 'Hello! Wow. You look so put together…for a housewife.' 🙄"

Cupp included a gif of Yoda telling Luke Skywalker, "That is why you fail," surely a reference to how right-wing politicians tend to fail at attracting younger voters and more educated women.

The conversation didn't get much better from there.

"Then he asked if my husband was home. Because of course he did. Little did he know I run this sh*t."

In the end, she got her revenge with a simple but perfect reply.

Cupp wrote:

"I told him my husband was unavailable, and I’d make sure he got his brochure just as soon as I asked him to take the trash out."
"Guess what was on top of the trash pile."

Cupp then wrapped up with some all-important advice for not just the "time traveler" who came to her door, but politicial candidates everywhere.

Cupp wrote:

"Bottom line: Women vote, too, you Neanderthals. When a woman answers the door, she’s your voter. Talk to HER..."
"...Stop looking past us. We are running it all."

On Twitter, people shared Cupp's disbelief at the candidate's outdated approach to a female voter.

We've heard of being stuck in the past, but this is ridiculous.