Breaking up is hard to do, as is finding love. When we're searching for love we're on our best game. And when we find the stranger who gives us the butterflies, we want to put all of our charm and wit on display. So we often come up with the best lines to win over our conquest. But what if we kept that charm going once we realized this love is toxic and dead? There can be some... humorous ways to end relations.
For fun, Redditor u/ginogeneli was wondering what the outcome would be if we compared notes about the the things we say in the beginning and the end of a relationship... they asked... If people used "break-up lines" instead of "pick-up lines", what would some of the best ones be?
Be Gone
I'd rearrange the alphabet and move U out of my house.
You know how you're good with your hands? Well, they will come in handy when you are single.
I see an amazing future for the two of us, each living our own lives...
You in Florida, me in California.
Girl, is our relationship a closed gym? Because nothing in it is working out.
Get Verizon
Girl, are you bad phone reception? Because we are breaking up.
All in the Family
I look into your big blue eyes and I can't help but fall head over heels for your sister.
Lol. "I look into your beautiful eyes and think, 'Does she have a younger sister?'"
The End
As I was walking out on my ex yelling at me I calmly said "This is why you're gonna die alone."
Wanna see a magic trick? POOF YOU'RE SINGLE! Knock knock... whose there? Not me! Byeeeee!
You make me feel like an airline because I'm about to lose your baggage.
"Call me United Airlines, 'cause I'm about to dump your baggage," maybe? I dunno.
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