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Trump Supporter Gives Bonkers Speech About Refusing To Wear A Face Mask Before Launching Into Song

Trump Supporter Gives Bonkers Speech About Refusing To Wear A Face Mask Before Launching Into Song

It's 2020, where everything's made up and the points don't matter.

As the world continues to stumble through a global pandemic, the use of masks has come out as a possible way to keep the spread of the virus under control while society hobbles toward a reopening.

But not everybody is willing to comply with that information.

After Ventura county was slated to become the latest California county to require the use of face masks in public, a Trump supporter named Deborah Baber showed up to protest the mandate.

Her speech in front of the council was...colorful.

Her various declarations of protest ranged from "I am not a terrorist" to "I am not a sex slave."

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She also came in prepared with a poster board showcasing some bizarre images, including one of the Statue Of Liberty wearing an American Flag face mask.

Deborah Baber/Twitter

She loudly proclaims as she holds up a Trump 2020 sign:

"I'm a proud Trump republican yearning to be free again."
"Shame on all of you! Let Liberty reign!"

She then proceeds to ring a bell at the councillors, before bursting into "God Bless America."

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Ms. Baber, a published thinkpiece writer for various conservative journals, announced in her profile that she's been wearing "Trump gear" almost every day since the autumn of 2015.

The internet is just marveling at the unending crazy that sprang forth from this speech.

Folks also noted how she got the lyrics to "God Bless America" so incredibly, hilariously incorrect.

At this point, after the madness that 2020 has wrought, most people can only sit and shake their heads.

When we look back on this year, may we all have a memory of a distressed voice screaming "I am not into bondage!" at several perplexed city officials.