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Trump Goes After Hospitals For Their 'Insatiable Appetites' For Medical Supplies In Infuriating Twitter Rant

Trump Goes After Hospitals For Their 'Insatiable Appetites' For Medical Supplies In Infuriating Twitter Rant

If there's one thing President Trump has shown time and time again, it's that he'll attack anyone who gives him anything less than unwavering support and praise. Even if that means insulting the brave medical workers who are currently our nation's best defense from the global pandemic.

In a pair of tweets, sent on April 2, Trump seemed to attack the very medical facilities calling for supplies, describing them as having "insatiable appetites."

The internet was disgusted by Trump's shameless attack on the people many consider heroes during this medical crisis.

To generate the supplies necessary to adequately address the situation at hand, Trump would have had to take the examples of countries like South Korea and begun producing and stockpiling back in January, when he was still downplaying the severity of the virus, and instead holding rallies and golfing at his golf clubs.

If there's a party to blame for hospitals' lack of supplies, it's certainly not the people working in the hospitals. Or the governors desperate to deliver the supplies for their ailing constituents.

Other U.S. leaders have set an example by standing up for medical workers in their communities.

This is also not the first time President Trump has accused medical workers of stealing supplies as a possible cause of the shortage.

People are dying—now is the time to come together, yet the President continues to split the country apart.

President Donald Trump continues to show his character with each passing day. As the crisis grows larger and larger, the President's attacks become more and more petty.

You can buy A Very Stable Genius: Donald J. Trump's Testing of America on Amazon here.