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Sean Hannity Offers Roseanne Barr to Host His Show

Sean Hannity Offers Roseanne Barr to Host His Show
(Benjamin Lowy/Getty Images, @trumpsanassh0le/Twitter)

Ever since the Roseanne reboot on ABC scored 18.1 million viewers after its airing on March 27, the pro-Trump comedian has been in high demand with even Donald Trump personally congratulating her over the phone on the show's success.

Riding on a hubris high, the forthright actress and writer posed a question for her Twitter followers that implied fans want to see more of her on television outside of her sitcom.

In a March 29 tweet, which has since been deleted, Barr asked fans if she should agree to a booking on Anderson Cooper's CNN show or Sean Hannity's Fox program.

"Should I go on Anderson Cooper's show? What do you think?" she asked Twitter followers. Then followed up with, "Should I got on @seanhannity?"

Those in the Trump camp responded favorably. "Absolutely you should go on Hannity. You're a real American that has no fear in expressing your opinion and not following any preordained agenda," wrote one enthusiast.

Even Trump's eldest son tweeted his encouragement, reiterating that Hannity's people were "her people."

It didn't take long for the Fox host to respond to her imposition.

Not only did he want Barr as a guest on his show, he invited her to taker over with hosting duties for an episode.

"Roseanne, would you like to host my show one night?" he asked with the exhilaration of a spirited puppy. "DONE!! Just say yes!"

It looks like they're ready to seal the deal.

There wasn't much resistance.

But old grudges resurfaced.

While others commented on Hannity's alacrity over his invitation.

Roseanne doesn't need additional publicity, given the show's built-in fan base. The show already got renewed for a second season with a 13 episode order. Or an 11th season, if you count the prior seasons from the 1990s.

ABC president Channing Dungey said in a statement, "We're thrilled that America has welcomed the Conner family back into their homes. The show is as fresh and relevant today as it was when it left the air 21 years ago. We can't wait to see what the Roseanne team has in store for next year."

The writers and producers told the New York Times that outside of the first two episodes that aired, there's not much discussion between the characters about the current administration. But it will still focus on other relevant issues like unemployment, health care, single motherhood, and opioid addiction.

One thing is certain. There will be no shortages of controversy with the return of Roseanne, on and off camera.

H/T - CNN, HuffingtonPost, Twitter, Deadline