There are so many things that have been invented over time that were meant to enlighten and enhance our lives. And many have... the car, the movies, cellphones... snuggies. But many things that have been produced that really just bring down morale and cease any reason to live. I jest, it's not that serious, but it's close. There are just a few things we can all do without and wish we could make disappear.
Redditor StonerCPA wanted everyone to admit... What would you un-invent, if you could?
That's not real work..
Is unsolicited calls about political candidates considered telemarketing? If not, F whatever that is!!
Un-invent the wheel so I could re-invent it and be famous for the most important invention of all time.
Keurig cups.
The guy that invented them publicly regrets it. Shows how one person can really make an impact.
Living in Croatia, can confirm. To hell with landmines. When I was a kid, parents took me to the countryside once. Me and my sister were having a walk trough some field when suddenly some older man warns us to stop and get back on track. Turns out the area still wasn't 100% cleared of mines. There's still thousands of them in Croatia from the war.
Education for all....
Student loans. There is no way the cost of an education would have spiked as much as it did without them.
The five-day work week.
9/80 and 4/10 schedules make so much more sense than the traditional 5/8s. I honestly have no clue why more businesses don't offer their employees custom work schedules. It doesn't cost the company anything and allows employees the luxury of a day off (or even a 3-day weekend) every week or every 2 weeks.