While life can seemingly offer you challenges and obstacles to overcome, sometimes there's situations when you should probably walk all the way away. No, it's not a metaphorical mountain for you to climb. It's a polar bear and it's running right for you.
Run away.
Reddit user, u/TheHolyNut_, wanted to no what to avoid when they asked:
What should you absolutely never f*ck with?
From The Mouths Of Doctors:
homer simpson surgery GIFGiphyIn surgery we say, "eat when you can, sleep when you can, and don't f*ck with the pancreas".
Edit (for explanation): The pancreas is very volatile. It is difficult to manipulate and sew. It also likes to leak digestive enzymes into the abdominal cavity, leading to self-digestion and organ damage!
Springy Death
The springs that help raise your garage door.
Those things are like a bomb going off if you do the wrong thing !
I just had mine replaced a few weeks ago.
Even the installer was a bit freaked out putting the new one under tension.
Taken Small, Taken Too Far
Benzodiazepines, I had a small prescription for anxiety in college, that lead to buying them on the street because "it's my prescription I need them!" Cant remember an entire year of my life and lost a lot in the process
I bought a strip of those a while back and finished it off in no time. Like vacation up in my noggin'. Immediately understood why they're so addictive. Doesn't give you a high or anything, but the absense of anxiety... I can see why people get hooked. I haven't gotten any more strips, seems like a bad idea
But They Look So Friendly In The Coca-Cola Commercials...
Polar bears are often regarded as one of the only (if not the only) animals that actively hunt humans. No, that doesn't just mean if you get close to one, watch your back-that means even if you get away from them, they will try to smell your tracks, and hunt you. This can reportedly go on for miles. Oh, and it doesn't help that they're the largest bears in the world at 11 feet tall on their hind legs, and weigh about 1,700 pounds on average, not to mention they can run fast, and rip you to shreds. Luckily, they're only in a select handful of areas in the world.
Yep, don't f-ck with Polar Bears.
Trust Your Gut
You know that feeling you get when you absolutely don't trust someone but can't figure why? Well if you're like me don't f-ck with that, it's better to make a wrong assumption and someone turn out a nice person than you end up in a horrible situation for being too optimistic/burying impulsive instincts
100% Every time I've struggled to trust someone they've proved me right. I've described it as getting a 'bad scent' off someone. Its rare, twice professionally and once personally, but you should never ignore your gut.
A&F Says, "What's Up?"
season 4 moose GIFGiphyMoose, they are mean bastards and are way bigger than most people realize. Also if you happen to hit one with your car you're most likely gonna die as they are big enough you just take their legs out from under them and then they land in your lap.... all 1200 pounds of them.
Not Necessarily Bad, Just Not Well Protected
Electricity that hums
The hum is called "coil whine" which is caused by electrical components in a circuit vibrating from the magnetic force produced by the current flowing through nearby components (magnetostriction also produces noise, but to a lesser extent).
Hearing coil whine doesn't necessarily mean anything, as even low voltage circuits like those in a computer GPU or power supply can hum. It just means that wires aren't well shielded or are arranged in a certain way.
Wait, What?
If you're stupid enough to grab one, you will die. You won't feel it. You'll just hear whatever station it's broadcasting in your brain, because most of your nerve endings will be fried before you feel the pain.
Once Broken, Never Fully Fixed
The trust of people you care and love.
Once it's broken, it's really hard to get it back.
Thomas The Tank Engine Is Your Mortal Enemy
season 3 train GIFGiphyTrains.
If one rolls over your leg, you won't bleed too much. The sheer weight will just flattens the wounds and pinches off the blood vessels. Unfortunately, it also means everything is so damaged that it would be impossible to reattach.
I photograph and locate trains as a hobby. This is correct. You 100% do not f-ck with trains. I've seen do many near misses, sometimes because people what to be on that train do badly, sometimes because people are stupid around trains and sometimes because people want one photo really badly and are willing to stand right on the track to get it.
If you don't care about yourself, at least think of the driver. Even a near miss can f-ck a driver up for days-years, actual collisions can make them never recover.
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