Until you start paying the bills you never really understand how high the tally can rise. You don't think about monetary amounts until you have to earn it--then you're shocked by how even the items or tasks that seemed small and cheap were breaking the bank. Like underwear or socks... they can be pricey. I used to have a ton of pairs, in all colors and lengths but good socks ain't cheap. Even at the cheap store. Ten bucks for six pair feels excessive to me.
Redditor u/Zarellto_v2 wanted to discuss the worth we did not recognize through naive eyes by asking..... What is one item you did not realize was expensive, until you became an adult?
Ho-Ho.... broke
All I Want For Christmas Is You GIF by Justin BieberGiphyDoes Christmas in general count?
Custom framing. Hundreds of dollars for a nice frame with mat. I still don't understand how it gets up so high.
Yup. I just go to thrift shops looking for something about the right size. Then I hit the arts & crafts store for an appropriate shade of poster board, and (if needed) the hardware store where I have them cut a piece of glass to the right size, and I have a nice framed photo or piece of art for less than $20.
It helps that I bought a cheap matt cutter a few years ago, and have lots of poster board scraps for the smaller stuff.
A few years ago things were going well and I was feeling kind of fat, so I started hitting art shows and buying inexpensive pieces and prints. I could leave with $100 in originals or nice prints, but to display them would run 3-4x that.
My mom makes quilts. By the time she buys the fabric, sews it all together and has someone quilt it on the big quilting matching she's put probably $300 between time and money into it. And people get crabby because handmade quilts coat so much. Well damn look at how much goes into one.
season 2 happy thanksgiving GIFGiphyTaking the whole family out to dinner. Man, that crap adds up.
I'll Walk
Owning a car.
I knew buying one was expensive, even second hand, but just owning one? Car insurance, road taxes, gasoline, yearly maintenance... even it just sitting in the parking lot during the pandemic it's costing me quite a bit.
Power Source
Batteries, as a kid I would always need batteries for my remote control cars or any battery operated toy. Man do I regret wasting them as a kid.
I have like 200 bucks worth of rechargeable batteries in my home and they get cycled entirely like once a month.
Mouth Issues
Ricki Lake Teeth GIF by NettaGiphyCavities, or more specifically dental fillings. If I had known how much it cost as an adult (in the US anyway) to fix ones teeth, I would have taken way better care of mine!
Death Decorations
Gravestones. Most of my family members were cremated (those who died) except for my grandma. It's a nice memorial that she chose completely and it's pretty basic. $30,000 Canadian dollars roughly. Blows my freakin' mind!! cremate the crap out of me
Edit: Gravestones + coffin + the grave itself was $30,000.
the eyes have it...
I have vision insurance and wear both contacts and glasses. I finally did the math (after I had already re-enrolled of course) and I'm getting ripped off. My insurance covers an eyeglass exam only, I have to pay for the contact fitting. Then I can get either 6 months of contacts or a cheap pair of LensCrafters glasses, no thinned lenses or anti glare unless I pick extra extra cheap frames. I recently discovered Zenni and I'm kicking myself in the ass for keeping my vision plan.
Iron Chef
ronald mcdonald wink GIFGiphyFast food. I've started to think..."I could make this at home for cheaper."
I have reached peak adulthood, or I'm just trying to save better. I still win with cheaper, homemade food that lasts for several meals.
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