It doesn't take a professional political operative to recognize President Donald Trump mishandled the global pandemic.
In a recent segment on MSNBC, an Ohio voter was asked by Cori Coffin:
"Would you trust Trump to be able to get us out of this pandemic crisis and then the ensuing economic crisis?"
The man, who was later identified as Joshua Brest, couldn't help but laugh as he answered.
"No, that's an absolute no. He was always good at finance, but once the [virus] hit, it's all over."
"He doesn't know how to react, in my opinion, to a pandemic."
You can see his remarks here:
MSNBC 07 26 2020 12 33
Brest continued by making fun of the President's cavalier attitude towards the virus.
"'Oh just the sniffles!'"
"You know, I mean, yeah, he's more financial than people dying."
Many Republicans online agreed with Brest.
They noted they planned to vote for Joe Biden.
President Trump's failures are harmful to both his chances of political success and to his American lives.
Many also felt they should point out that Brest actually gave Trump more credit than he deserved financially.
After these past few months, many people found it hard to make any sort of argument for the President.
To many, President Trump's only major talent seems to be throwing America into the next crisis.
The President will have to turn these perceptions of his ineptitude around if he wants any chance of winning the election in November.