Childish Gambino just came out with another music video. And just like it's predecessor, "This Is America", the video is sparking discussion. One moment in particular has some viewers puzzled. Picture this: Michelle Obama hugging Kanye West.
"What?" you may ask. Yeah, I did, too.
Childish Gambino's music video for "Feels Like Summer" features an image of beloved former FLOTUS, Michelle Obama, smiling as she hugs Trump supporter, Kanye, as he cries.
Don't believe me? Watch for yourself.
Oh, right. I forgot to mention it's all animated.
If you don't have time to watch it, the video shows Gambino, dressed in torn up clothing, walking down the street in a neighborhood while listening to music. He passes numerous artists as they partake in typical summer fun, like basketball, riding bikes, water gun fights, and climbing trees.
The artists in the video include Chance the Rapper and Jaden Smith, Azealia Banks, Beyoncé, and many others.
But so far, the pair that has sparked the most attention is the aforementioned Michelle Obama and Kanye West.
Donald Glover clearly likes to provoke thought with his videos, and viewers are trying to figure out what the Michelle / Kanye image could be about.
Online news source, The Root, thinks Glover is saying that Kanye needs a black woman to save him.
But people don't like the idea that Glover could be suggesting such a thing.
However, some people think that it's not about Michelle saving Kanye, but possibly alluding to Kanye losing his mom.
I'm looking forward to the analysis on this video.