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Jamie Lee Curtis Says She 'Watched In Wonder And Pride' As Her Daughter Came Out As Trans

Jamie Lee Curtis Says She 'Watched In Wonder And Pride' As Her Daughter Came Out As Trans
Mike Coppola/FilmMagic/Getty Images

Halloween franchise star, children's author and Hollywood legacy Jamie Lee Curtis—daughter of iconic actors Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh—described her life as a "constant metamorphosis" to AARP: The Magazine in their latest feature titled "Jamie Lee Curtis: A Life in Full Bloom."

In a section about how her life has continually been shifting, she shared briefly about her youngest child coming out as transgender.

Curtis' 25-year-old daughter Ruby is shared with her husband of over 36 years, actor, composer, screenwriter and director Christopher Guest of Spinal Tap and many other beloved ensemble comedies.

Ruby is a computer gaming editor. She gave Curtis permission to share the news of her coming out with the world.

Meg Grant wrote for AARP: The Magazine:

"Possibly one of the biggest 'old ideas' that Curtis has shed recently is the notion that gender is fixed."
"With her younger child's permission, Curtis reveals that she and Guest 'have watched in wonder and pride as our son became our daughter Ruby. And she and her fiancé will get married next year at a wedding that I will officiate'."

Curtis and her husband Christopher Guest also have a 34-year-old daughter, Annie, who is a dance instructor.

People are thrilled Curtis and Guest chose to be supportive and loving parents.

Jamie Lee Curtis continues her allyship as she hopes to do "justice" to the next LGBTQ+ story she's working on about an Oklahoma woman named Sara Cunningham.

Curtis bought the rights to Cunningham's 2014 memoir How We Sleep at Night back in 2019.

Curtis told The Washington Post:

"I continue to be thrilled as her movement is catching on."
"I hope to do justice to her story and the story of so many marginalized people in the LGBTQ community."

The memoir about how Cunningham stands in for absent mums at same-sex weddings will be turned into a film.