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Hannity Just Tried To Pick A Fight With Seth Meyers On Twitter And Yeah, It Did Not Go Well For Him

Hannity Just Tried To Pick A Fight With Seth Meyers On Twitter And Yeah, It Did Not Go Well For Him
Ed Rode/Getty Images for Politicon; Peter Zakhary/American Cinema Editors via Getty Images

Fox News host Sean Hannity loves to point out how overly sensitive liberals are on his show Hannity. But a recent viral tweet of his seems proof positive that while he can dish out mockery and criticism, he emphatically cannot take it.

After Late Night with Seth Meyers host Seth Meyers called out Fox News' double standards in how the networks' hosts talk about former Republican President Donald Trump and Democratic President Joe Biden, Hannity went on a toddler-level tirade on Twitter--and it quickly blew up in his face.

Along with a link to Meyers's comments, Hannity ranted:

"Seth you can't even get 1 million viewers a night. Why you wonder? Your show sucks and you are not funny."

Ooh someone's mad! Hannity continued his tantrum with a profoundly ridiculous accusation:

"You are locked into partisan politics of which you know nothing. It's just a matter of time before your boring sh*t show is cancelled...."


This, from a guy who makes his living off of shilling for Trump—even after he's out of office—on a network the focus of which is entirely partisan politics.

Hannity's meltdown came in response to a segment on Meyers's show about Biden's recent meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

After pointing out how world leaders—including both Putin himself and Trump-friendly U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson—favorably contrasted Biden's performance on the world stage with Trump's, Meyers rolled clips of Fox News's takes on the Biden-Putin meeting.

Included in that package, which you can see below at the 2:06 mark, was an on-air rant by Hannity in which he insulted Biden as being "afraid to stand next to Vladimir," whatever that means.

If there was any doubt Meyers' criticism struck a nerve with Hannity, the latter's playground-taunt coda to his Twitter thread said it all.

As conservatives love to say to liberals, "triggered, snowflake?"

Meyers, as ever, was at the ready with a perfect one-liner response. Along with a screenshot of Hannity's rant, Meyers tweeted:

"Asked him for a quote we could use in our Emmy campaign. BIG MISTAKE!"

Of course, Twitter loved it, and an epic fact-checking drag-fest of Hannity quickly ensued.

Sorry Sean, better luck next time.
