President Donald Trump's MAGA rallies—held nonstop since before the 2016 presidential election—have long been a source of embarrassing admissions and missteps that the President's allies have to reword, deny or justify afterward.
Lost in the chaos is the message the GOP wants sent.
Iowa Republican Senator Chuck Grassley finally came up with a solution. On Tuesday he tweeted his suggestion to the POTUS.
Grassley tweeted:
"[Donald Trump] I suggest u use pocket card at podium w 5 short sentences on what u've accomplished 5 things that differentiate u from Biden 5 things u will accomplish in next 4 yrs Focusing on these simple highlights will help ur msg &only take 5mins then say whatever u want"
.@realdonaldtrump I suggest u use pocket card at podium w 5 short sentences on what u've accomplished 5 things that differentiate u from Biden 5 things u will accomplish in next 4 yrs Focusing on these simple highlights will help ur msg &only take 5mins then say whatever u want
— ChuckGrassley (@ChuckGrassley) October 13, 2020
While the President didn't respond to Grassley's tweet, plenty of other people did.
Yes because we know Trump has a short attention span and can only regurgitate talking points.
— Kevin D (@freekev22) October 13, 2020
Good advice but why would you think he's going to listen to you or anybody else?
— Doug Sharp (@DougSha44869139) October 13, 2020
It would be blank.#TrumpIsALoser #TrumpLied200KDied
— Miss Bella #Biden/Harris2020 (@MissBella5735) October 13, 2020
That would be 😂🤣🤣😂😂 if it weren't so tragic.
But it's too late. He's had 4 years to get off the golf course and stop wasting our tax dollars.
216,000+ dead. Babies in cages.
— Rebecca M (@rebeccaj1111) October 13, 2020
But when will he work in all the narcissistic and congratulatory praise for himself, his Nobel Peace Prize nominations, his brute strength, et al? If you think @realDonaldTrump could ACTUALLY do this, you haven't been paying attention, Senator.
— USED TO BE G.O.P. (@Used_To_Be_GOP) October 13, 2020
— Trish 💜☕️🍷 (@Trish5_Here) October 13, 2020
People had their own list of five for Trump.
1. Refused to help country with COVID
2. Worked actively against mask wearing
3. Encouraged anti-government terrorists to attack governors
4. Allowed the economy to tank and kept it that way
— Deena Heg (@bikesalsa) October 13, 2020
1. The first 50,000 people died
2. The second 50,000 people died
3. The third 50,000 people died
4. The fourth 50,000 people died
5. The fifth 50,000 people are dying
— Attorney@Law (@TheGlare_TM) October 13, 2020
1. 63 million unemployed Americans.
2. 8 million infected
3. 215,000 dead
4. Vote Blue
5. Vote Early
— Cleavon MD (@Cleavon_MD) October 13, 2020
1) 220,000 dead
2) got a novelty sized love letter in exchange for NK developing new ICBMs
3) 7.9% unemployment
4) our allies will no longer share intel with us
5) 20,000 lies
— Katie (@ktbobaytee) October 13, 2020
Trump's Accomplishments
1) Killed 217,000 people with incompetence
2) Added $2 Trillion to the deficit BEFORE the Pandemic
3) Paid Millions to his own properties
4) Spent over 400 days on vacation
5) Almost done killing protections for pre-existing conditions
— Alan Dershowitz's Briefs (@HKursed) October 13, 2020
Accomplishments: 210,000 dead, mostly poor people.
Weakening health care coverage for poor people.
Praising white supremacists.
Creating internment camps on U.S. soil.
Told people not to wear masks, got covid.
— True Blue Cubes Fan (@CubX3) October 13, 2020
1- biggest trading deficit
2-record debt/deficit
3-biggest unemployment
4-worst pandemic response worldwide
5-NK and Iran record increase in nukes
— Trump is sofa king stupid (@RoyAndrew20) October 13, 2020
Only 5, chuck?
— 513{eats}, a liberal, aggressive, foulmouthed Jew (@513eats) October 13, 2020
I see a flaw in your logic here
He doesn't have 5 things he accomplished in his first term, and no idea of what 5 things he wants to accomplish in his second.
— Mark Gray (@rich29uk) October 13, 2020
As of Tuesday, October 13, the 2020 presidential election is 20 days away.