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Image Of George H.W. Bush's Faithful Service Dog Is Giving Us All The Feels πŸ’”

Image Of George H.W. Bush's Faithful Service Dog Is Giving Us All The Feels πŸ’”
Instagram @sullyhwbush - Twitter Laurie Brookins

There is no politics when it comes to the love and loyalty of the canine world.

We all saw that this week.

In a touching photo sent out by President George H.W. Bush's spokesperson Jim McGrath, we see Sully the service dog mourning the passing of the 94-year-old former President.

Sully was adopted by Bush from the nonprofit organization America's VetDogs in June, and although their time together was brief, clearly the bond was strong. Bush and Sully were nearly inseparable in the last months of Bush's life.

According to America's VetDogs, Sully will not stay with the Bush family and instead will go on to continue helping other vets in need at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center's Facility Dog Program.

In a post on Facebook the organization says:

"Many of you have been asking about what Sully will do next, and we appreciate all of the love you have for him.
Sully will be joining the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center's Facility Dog Program."
"He will be working alongside fellow VetDogs facility dogs SGT Dillon and SGT Truman who are there to assist with physical and occupational therapy to wounded soldiers and active duty personnel during their journey to recovery at Walter Reed Bethesda."

The photo has been shared across social media platforms with the simple caption:

"Mission Complete"

Regardless of politics, people are moved by the photo of Sully.

The dog community thanked one of their own for a job well done.

"Oh Sully my handler Katey and I are just so sad for you but we are thrilled you will be helping other people out. I think your dad would have wanted that for you and we think it will help you through your loss. You're a real Hero Sully and you did an amazing job. and don't worry, you'll see him again in Heaven one day <3 Sincerely, Chester Parson -Service dog"

Sully traveled to Washington DC with the President one last time as the former Commander-in-Chief was brought to lie in state in the nation's capital. After this final trip together, there is still more work to be done by Sully helping other veterans.

H/T: NBC Washington, USA Today