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Doorbell Cam Captures Mormon Missionaries Peacing Out After Reading Lesbian Couple's Doormat

Doorbell Cam Captures Mormon Missionaries Peacing Out After Reading Lesbian Couple's Doormat

Two Mormon missionaries were caught on a doorbell cam doing a complete 180 after noticing a welcome mat with a message that didn't align with their views.

The greeting on the doormat declared the home was the "Gayest Place in town."

It seemed the two missionaries from the Church of Latter Day Saints wanted no part of it and decided, just this once, not to push their agenda on the home's residents.

In a clip posted by TikToker @jamie.foust94, the young Mormon elders, in their signature short-sleeve shirts and black ties, approached the residence and paused after the doormat caught their eye.

One of them started reading aloud but the other quickly interjected with a "nope."

Then they both pivoted and walked away to continue their door-to-door soliciting elsewhere.


My wife and I recently got a new door mat. It was a great investment. It says “gayest place in town” and has the added benefit of keeping religious zealots from knocking on our door to tell us about their god. 😂

So what was it exactly that made them flee from the scene?

It was this lovely rainbow-framed doormat.


According to Pink News the home belonged to lesbian couple Jamie and Melissa Foust.

They bought the LGBTQ-themed mat from Target during Pride month but had no idea what benefits their new home décor purchase would provide.

Jamie, who posted the footage, wrote in the video's caption:

"My wife and I recently got a new door mat. It was a great investment. It says 'gayest place in town' and has the added benefit of keeping religious zealots from knocking on our door to tell us about their god."

When playing back the CCTV footage, the couple reportedly was "crying with laughter."

TikTokers also found humor in seeing the effectiveness of the Mormon-repellent item.




Some commented on a missed opportunity.





The positive reception continued.





TikTokers also noted how one of the elders couldn't finish reading the message aloud.





Some "Mishies" are known to disregard "No Soliciting" signs and knock anyway because they insist they are sharing the word of the Lord.

People who would rather avoid these encounters may want to consider something similar to the Foust's doormat.

In the end, it's just as well the elders went on their way after discovering the LGBTQ-friendly home.

After all, you can't pray the gay away.