Donald Trump Jr. likes to mimic his father as much as possible.
Both had 5 kids, both cheated on their spouses...
...and both like to post on Twitter with dubious results.
Jr.'s latest Twitter flub is drawing ire for its outdated ignorance regarding HIV.
A Trump?
Making an ignorant, uneducated comment on Twitter?
Yeah, apple... tree... falling distance...
Anyhoo, Jr. decided to share a tweet from the LGBTQ+ website Queerty. After clearly not reading it or understanding what it said or having any idea what he was talking about.
The caption of the Queerty article share tweet read:
"What you stand to lose by not having sex with people with HIV"
Jr.'s clever quip in response?
"Well I can think of one thing."
Yeah. Hilarious.
Twitter had the usual reaction they do to one of Jr.'s clever little tweets though.
HIV+ Hamilton actor Javier Muñoz shared a bit of education and information after condemning Jr.'s perpetuation of ignorance and stigma.
His fellow Broadway star, Nick Adams, noted the abundance of opinions with a lack of information.
For Trump Jr., he didn't waste his time trying to educate those who wish to remain ignorant.
Actor and singer Telly Leung kept it short too.
As did Drag Queen and New York City Council candidate Marti Gould Cummings.
Peter Morley suggested Nancy Pelosi might be able to help Jr. with his ignorance about HIV.
People also noted the proximity of Jr.'s tweet to World AIDS Day on December 1, 2019.
Some pointed out the Trump family record with unsafe sex.
Of course, there were a lot of highly informed and not at all ignorant responses that completely agreed with Don Jr.'s joke.
In a statement, Human Rights Campaign President Alphonso David said:
"Trump Jr. just proved again what we already knew — that he, his father and the Trump-Pence administration don't care about people living with HIV, are undermining competent care and have no understanding of people living with HIV."
"Trump Jr.'s absolutely disgusting and ignorant tweet only serves to perpetuate the stigma faced by people living with HIV, which HRC and LGBTQ advocates have fought so long to end. Trump Jr. must apologize."
The book 100 Questions & Answers About HIV and AIDS is available here.