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Lindsey Graham Slams Colin Kaepernick As 'Racist' After He Blasts Hit On Soleimani As A 'Terrorist Attack'

Lindsey Graham Slams Colin Kaepernick As 'Racist' After He Blasts Hit On Soleimani As A 'Terrorist Attack'

After President Donald Trump's unexpected assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, many people on both ends of the political spectrum are crying foul.

That includes Colin Kaepernick, former NFL quarterback, who took to Twitter to denounce the assassination as a modern example of American imperialism.

See Kaepernick's tweets here.

Republican Senator Lindsay Graham quickly responded with a racially-charged rant on Fox News.

On Fox News, Graham, a sitting Senator from South Carolina, said of Kaepernick:

"He's a loser on and off the field. It's un-American."
"He's a racist. If you're looking for racism in America, Mr. Kaepernick, look in the mirror."

Lindsey Graham: Colin Kaepernick is a 'racist'

Graham also attacked other public figures who spoke out against Trump's attack.

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was one of his targets.

Meanwhile, many were pointing out that Trump's threats on Twitter were, in fact, war crimes.

Many conservative pundits online tried to tear down Kaepernick for his opinion.

But most people seemed to think attacking the former NFL player for "racism" was a bridge too far.

In recent years, Graham has also developed a reputation for saying ANYTHING to get ahead politically.

And getting ahead for Graham means supporting Trump no matter what.

On Twitter at least, it seems like Kaepernick has come out ahead.

Now that 2020 has begun, we can all look forward to plenty of similar arguments from conservative media.

Ultimately, there's little doubt we'll see Senator Graham back on television soon, saying whatever he can to justify and pacify President Trump, regardless of the facts.

Graham is up for reelection in 2020. He faces Democratic opponent Jaime Harrison.

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