In his CNN Town Hall yesterday, Democratic President Joe Biden perfectly summarized many Americans' deeply held feelings about former Republican President Donald Trump.
But not because he laid into Trump's legislative legacy, or raked him over the coals for inciting a deadly riot, or any of the other easy targets for criticism.
Rather, he simply said, "I'm tired of talking about Donald Trump."
Relatable, Mr. President.
The President is so tired of talking about the man who formerly held his job, he even referred to him as "the former guy" at one point, a phrase that has since gone viral.
The town hall covered a range of topics, from the minimum wage and immigration to student debt and racism. Of course, the ongoing pandemic drew the most focus, with Biden offering more detail on his administration's vaccination plans and approaches toward re-opening schools.
But when it came time to discuss the previous administration's handling of the pandemic, Biden made clear he wasn't interested.
"I'm tired of talking about Donald Trump and I don't want to talk about him anymore."
You can say that again, as the saying goes. And the President did.
When the town hall turned its focus onto the other issue monopolizing our minds nowadays, the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol, Biden reiterated his "over it" attitude toward the former President. Asked about Trump's acquittal in the impeachment trial that resulted from his incitement of that incident, Biden declined to take the bait.
Rather, Biden elaborated upon and reiterated his previous sentiment:
"Look, for four years, all that's been in the news is Trump. For the next four years, I want to make sure all the news is about the American people. I'm tired of talking about Trump."
And suffice to say, it struck a chord with many. On Twitter, tons of people were basically like, "Same, Mr. President."
We're probably unlikely to hear less about Trump any time soon, but it's good to know that even the President understands our fatigue.