One would think taking pictures of children without the permission of their parents, let alone the permission of the children, would be an obvious no-no.
But four White women on vacation in Africa didn't seem to think it was a problem to take pictures of two local children without anyone's consent.
The four unidentified women were captured doing so in a video posted to TikTok, which was met with outrage in the comment section.
The video, posted by TikToker @benchutta has received three million views since being posted on March 3.
@benchutta #no #pleasedont #wow #africa
Using Kreepa's "Oh No" as background music, the 21-second video captured four White woman leaning down to take pictures of two local children in front of a restaurant, both wearing brightly colored clothes and headdresses.
The video's overlay issued a warning to prospective travelers.
"Please don't do this when you vacation in Africa."
Fellow TikTokers criticized the behavior of the unknown women in the comment section.
Several called the women out for taking pictures of children as if they were statues or wildlife.
Several emphasized how inappropriate it was to take pictures of children without their consent, with several questioning how these woman would have felt if the tables were turned and strangers were taking pictures of their own children.
A number of TikTokers expressed how the fact the video captured four White women taking pictures of two unaccompanied Black children made what was already a bad situation infinitely worse.
Many felt this was a blatant example of White privilege or "White savior complex"—an ideology where White people, in a position of superior resources believe they are helping BIPOC or marginalized groups, when they could in fact be causing more harm.
It's unknown if the women captured in the video have seen or gotten wind of the barrage of negative comments addressed to them.
But reading them might be just the wake up call they need to reflect on their behavior and make better decisions going forward.