As the old adage goes, "if you got it, flaunt it."
In this case, "it" is "Photoshop skills" and "you" is Kyle Scheele, motivational speaker and writer, who put his skills to epic use in a prank for the ages.
Scheele spotted a cardboard cutout of rapper Post Malone in a local convenience store. After trying to obtain it, he learned none of the employees of the store knew who it belonged to or how to make it change hands.
They simply knew the cardboard cutouts appeared and disappeared, seemingly at random.
And thus, the idea for a prank was born.
@kylescheele Visit TikTok to discover videos!
Scheele decided to make a cardboard cutout of himself and pass it off as the store's next ad a la cardboard cutout.
He picked up a pizza-guitar, a photographer friend, some backdrops and got to work creating a prank.
Scheele added text entitled "The Scheele Meal" over the image of himself playing the pizza guitar against the backdrop of a long, straight country road.
He then sent the completed file to a friend to have a life size print made of the "ad," and to ultimately begin his prank.
He left the cardboard cutout, front and center, in a convenience store.
A Kum & Go, to be specific, whose TikTok account cheekily replied to the prank:
In a follow-up video, Scheele said that the prank was ongoing and that several patrons were now stepping up to the Kum & Go to order the "Kyle Scheele Meal," which has frustrated employees, as they do not know what that is.
But Kum & Go is reportedly considering adding it to the menu, even though Scheele does not have a preconception of what that meal might be.
The sign is reportedly still in the store, although in the corner.