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People Break Down 'The Incident' That Happened In High School

People Break Down 'The Incident' That Happened In High School

Every high school has it-- The incident.

The one that is the reason for the strictest rule in the school. The ones the students talk about and the teachers fear.

It can be a senior prank, it can be pretty much anything that went down that completely changed the culture of the school.

u/ramennyun asked:

What was "the incident" in your high school?

Here were some of those answers.

This Is Why This Is Such A Hot Button Issue


A girl in her final year got pregnant and was hiding it from her parents. She was 18 at the time though. She went to the counsellor (qualified clinical psychologist) who was helping her through it. The counsellor walked her through all of her options and did what she was supposed to do.

The girl (I think possibly in denial) carried the baby to quite far along but then wanted out. She was also starving herself. Long story short (I also can't remember all the exact details) she apparently went to a dodgy clinic where she convinced them she was much earlier in the pregnancy (guessing they did no tests) and they gave her abortions pills or something like that (like I said - can't remember the exact deets so don't crucify me). She started profusely bleeding in class the next day and was rushed to hospital.

The baby survived for about 4 hours and then passed away. Obviously by this point her parents were there. Upon questioning she named our school counsellor and said that she had forced her to have an abortion. This whole case went to court. Our poor school counsellor could not say anything or defend herself publicly until the case was done. We had reporters outside our school gates for ages. It all came out at the end that the girl had lied and the counsellor was completely innocent and had just done what she was supposed to do and had offered the girl all the information and advice for her to make an informed decision.

I was amazed at how professional the counsellor was and how she did everything by the book when it came to speaking about her client. Anyway, that was crazy.


Maybe He Was Hungry?

So this happened yesterday and it was pretty wild for a Canadian school.

At the end of the day there was a police car at the front of the school. Someone said they saw a kid get arrested when they went to the washroom. At the end of the day, a cop and the principal were standing at both back passenger windows talking to someone inside. We all just assumed that someone was getting arrested for selling drugs or something.

The next day my home room teacher told us between 3rd and 4th period (the 2 afternoon periods in Canada) a former student who was about 20 years old blended in with students and snuck into the school hallways. He wandered through the hallways stealing from unlocked lockers and actually stole about 10 laptops from teachers classrooms somehow.

They ended up catching him at the Tim Horton's down the road. Not sure what's gonna happen to him but someone said his mom was his get away vehicle a couple blocks down the road, he just had to stop at Timmy's first. Only in Canada do people have to stop for a coffee and a donut mid robbery.


Flying Terrors


2 guys in my year decided to bring about 50 cabbages in to school and start a cabbage fight in the science corridor. All hell broke loose and cabbage leaves everywhere. About 100 students joined in lol


The Scariest Incidents

I didn't transfer in until after it happened, but I had a classmate who was in the room when it happened. Our 9th grade year (1989-1990), one of the guys in the theatre/drama class had been threatening to hurt friends and classmates. She and all her friends went to the teachers and principal, but were told they could do nothing because he had no "history" and therefore, he had to "do something" first.

He did. Walked in mid-class, took the entire room (including my friend and her friends who had reported his threats) hostage, brandished the gun around repeatedly, then shot one of their mutual friends who was trying to talk him down. Kid lost his ear, but not his life, thankfully.

She was still giving legal depositions 2 years later when I met her, which is how I heard the story.


When The Teacher Is A Jerk

I went to a private school where you weren't allowed to have your phone on you. One day the vice principal bursts into a classroom and says in a panic "quick, I need to use someone's phone!" 10 kids got detention and their phones confiscated.

Screw you Mr. Kiefer.




Not high school but I remember in elementary school, we got put on lockdown because someone thought there was a rabid fox on the field. It was a fat orange cat.



Some boys in the saxophone section of marching band made a Christmas card featuring them nude except for Santa hats and their sax covering their junk. They distributed to the whole band, which at our school was a pretty large number of people. School tried to confiscate them for being LEWD but of course they couldn't get them all. Besides, people had camera phones and Facebook.


The Most Unpredictable

One time this kid i was friends with brought this hot sauce called Da Bomb (1.5million scoville units, hotter than hell) to high school and let a bunch of kids try it during lunch, i mean at least 30 kids. Some kids really started freaking out because that shit is ridiculously hot, like you're supposed to add one or two drops to a big batch of chili to make it spicy. Some were trying to show off and took a swig of it and ended up vomiting everywhere from the heat/panic.

Multiple kids had to go to the nurse and be sent home because they way overdid it, although i think most just really had no idea what a scoville unit was or that they made hot sauce that was that ridiculously hot. It was chaos. I tried it as well, a dime size amount, and I couldn't concentrate on anything but chugging milk. And i'm really good with spicy foods!

Finally the principal came on the intercom and said "Whoever brought the hot sauce please..just stop.." My friend got into some pretty big trouble for that one.


No Sense Of Humor


It was the last day for the senior class. There were only two significant pranks that day. The principal's office was filled with balloons and glitter, and the main hallway entrance was saran wrapped. About an hour before the day ended, the principal came over the loudspeaker and said that anyone caught participating in a prank would not walk at the graduation ceremony.

About a minute after he said this, the fire alarm went off. A guy who was near the principal said that he got angry and said out loud "some ones not walking" before storming off. An entire wing of the school was hazy and smoke was pouring out of a classroom. Turns out the science teacher was doing a laser experiment for his class and created too much smoke with a smoke machine.


This Seems Like A Large Oversight....

We were all called to an emergency assembly and told a student had died... Her friends were distraught and even the people who didn't know her went quiet. I think I remember a group of students putting together a type of memorial card. The whole morning was morbid... Until the 'dead girl' arrived at school and didn't know what was going on.


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