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Donald Trump

Trump Just Inadvertently Confirmed An Odd Detail About Himself That Was Alleged By Stormy Daniels In 2011

Trump Just Inadvertently Confirmed An Odd Detail About Himself That Was Alleged By Stormy Daniels In 2011
Pool/Getty Images; Ethan Miller/Getty Images

During a recent rally speech on Thursday, August 20, President Trump went on a bizarre tangent about sharks and seemed to inadvertently confirm a claim made about him by pornstar Stormy Daniels in 2011.

During a 2011 interview in InTouch magazine, Daniels, who claimed to have an affair with Trump in 2006, said:

"[Trump] is obsessed with sharks. Terrified of sharks."
"He was like, 'I donate to all these charities and I would never donate to any charity that helps sharks. I hope all the sharks die'."

With his political fate on the line, President Trump decided now was the time to tell the world about the danger of sharks.

The internet had a field day making fun of Trump's bizarre rant.

Very few serious thinkers seemed to take Trump's warnings about shark charities seriously.

Many people, watching Trump's speech, felt a little better about themselves knowing that they were braver than the least when it comes to sharks.

Perhaps we've finally found the President's true motivation for becoming moving from New York city to Washington D.C. he's evaded the dangerous land shark that stalks NYC since 1975.

Shark Attack GIF by Saturday Night LiveGiphy