On Wednesday, March 10, Sean Hannity claimed during his program on Fox News President Joe Biden doesn't actually have a stutter, as has been widely publicized.
Hannity created this conspiracy theory because he hadn't heard Biden stutter very much in 2016 or 2012.
"The only problem is, he didn't have it in 2016 or 2012. And when did this problem start to emerge?"
Many online called out Hannity's conspiracy theory as incredibly cruel towards stutterers everywhere.
Hannity's claims Biden does not have a stutter also tie into many MAGA minion conspiracy theories the President—who is only 4 years older than Trump—is in some sort of cognitive decline because of his age.
Sean Hannity was widely criticized for the comments, which went far beyond a disagreement about politics.
It was pointed out by countless sources how long America has been aware of Biden's stutter.
Hannity is helping to spread baseless conspiracy theories despite the fact he appears on a news network.
Sean Hannity has already set a tone for his coverage during the Biden presidency—lots of outrageous claims with very few facts to back them up.