You meet someone new. It's going pretty well, you're connecting, the conversation is flowing smoothly.
Then they spy someone out the corner of their eye, make sure there's no one else within earshot, and drop an unabashedly racist comment.
What's up with that? Abhorrent behavior, right? You probably feel like backing away from them and dislike them immediately, right?
People shared the things that make them side-eye the people around them after Redditor brainpain152 asked the online community,
"What makes you instantly lose respect for someone?"
People who tear others down are not worth anyone's time.
"Treating food/service..."
"Treating food service/retail employees like garbage for no reason."
"I lose respect..."
"I lose respect for a person if they make fun of people but can't handle being made fun of."
Ah, yes. The old, "I can dish it but I can't take it" trick. Funny how that works.
"Being manipulative..."
"Being manipulative or trying to convince me something is in my best interest when it's in that person's best interest instead."
"Treating people..."
"Treating people that don't matter to them poorly and kissing the @sses of people that can help them."
That says a lot about someone – you should be courteous to everyone and that's honestly the bare minimum.
"I had a very good friend..."
"I lose respect to people who go to politics and forget about their friends. It's personal. I had a very good friend but later he decided to start a political career. Stopped talking with me after that for no reason."
"When they openly demand..."
"When they openly demand respect based on their age, status or position instead of earning it through their actions."
Ah, yes. The people who think that age gives them a free pass.
But it doesn't.
"I have a really hard time..."
"I have a really hard time with people that cut you off mid-sentence, and completely change the subject. Then ONLY talk about what they want to talk about. The art of listening is really dying off…"
I know quite a few people like this. It's exhausting... not going to lie. Perhaps I should limit my time around them...
"The only exception..."
"If you cheat or actively attempt to cheat on your significant other.
The only exception, in my opinion, would be is if you were in an abusive/dangerous relationship and would be in danger if you broke up with that person."
"If they wear their ignorance..."
"If they wear their ignorance like a badge of honor and boast about it. Particularly noticeable behavior since this whole Covid pandemic started.
Suddenly everyone and their mother is an expert and sh*ts on anything real experts have to say on the matter. The arrogance required for that blows my hair back."
There's a simple rule to life, people. You don't need Commandments or anything. Just... don't be an jerk. It's really that simple. Just don't do it. It'll pay dividends, trust me.
Have some opinions of your own? Feel free to tell us more in the comments below!
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