Step aside last week's giant teddy bears with the bizarrely long legs, because this week's stuffed teddy bears have taken it from weird to naughty — in a furniture store no less! Penny Knutson of Green Bay, Wisconsin, recently received a photo her daughter had taken while shopping in the furniture department of a Shopko retail store. Her daughter noticed several of the store's giant teddy bears arranged in provocative, NSFW positions.
Penny posted the photo on Facebook: "My daughter took this pic at Shopko. Wow. How does this go unnoticed by staff?"
In the photo, all the bears are partnered up, demonstrating various sex acts. We're going to say it...
It's a cuddly teddy bear orgy.
As to Penny's question, the furniture department employees — who cannot possibly not have noticed — either found the mysterious culprits' handiwork hilarious, or they did it themselves.
Penny's friends on Facebook were both confounded and delighted by this bawdy discovery.
Here are some of their comments:
“Best part is they walked them 2 at a time and set them up with no staff noticing"
"Bears just got in the mood before they go to sleep for the winter. LOL"
"Orgy. Aisle 10. Lol"
"Hilarious. That being said, if you want to shelter your kids and have them never see anything inappropriate, you better just not bring them in public, ever."
"Nothing wrong with a little bear necessities!!!!! Haha"
"Staff must have watched Ted 1 & 2 lol"
Speaking of Ted... one commenter got a little graphic with what they shared:
People even dragged gender into the conversation.
One female commenter mused that it was a man who did the dirty deed:
It was probably a young male staff member having work retail and having seen this kind of thing done and all one has to do is look at the positions to know a male did it
Which prompted another commenter to ask:
Sexist much?
And the female commenter responded:
Nope worked and experienced this and it was males every time
Twitter enjoyed the prank as well.
Now that we think of it... these teddy bears DO look very familiar.
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
h/t: Facebook, Twitter