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Video Of Man Being Chastised For Making Woman Get Out Of His Assigned Seat On Train Sparks Debate

TikToker @mr_boris_becker was met with support from viewers after rightfully wanting to sit in the seat he paid for.

TikTok screenshots from @mr_boris_becker

TikToker @mr_boris_becker documented an incident on a train in which women on board were giving him grief for asking a woman to move... from the seat he specifically paid for!

But don't worry, @m_boris_becker, viewers of your video have your back!

In the thirty-second video, the creator can be heard telling a seated woman that his seat is "103," which is the seat she occupying.

The woman tried to argue and even gestured to other available seats, but the TikToker stood firm, reminding her, "My place is 103."

Other women on board even had the audacity to step in, saying he could sit somewhere else.

In the end, though, the unassigned occupant reluctantly moved.

You can watch the video - which was viewed nearly 10 million times before it was deleted from TikTok - below.

I confronted a woman who stole my train seat — she still argued with me | New York

While the women on the train weren't on board with the creator taking his rightful seat, people in the comments jumped to his defense.

Many shared their thoughts on the woman's sense of entitlement, some questioning why she just didn't purchase that seat in the first place if it was such a big deal.





Several also had their thoughts on the other meddling travelers who urged the TikToker to choose a different spot.







In the end, the TikToker politely said, "Sorry," for making the woman move... but the general consensus is that an apology wasn't necessary.