Luke Perry, the beloved actor best known for his work in Beverly Hills 90210 and Riverdale, passed away suddenly at the young age of 52. He suffered a massive stroke last week and died three days later in the hospital.
Tributes poured in from all over the world, but one stands above the rest.
Luke Perry's daughter, Sophie Perry, posted this on Instagram this Tuesday...
She expressed gratitude for the support she has been given in the wake of her father's death.
"A lot has happened in this past week for me. Everything is happening so fast. I made it back from Malawi just in time to be here with my family, And in the past 24 hours I have received an overwhelming amount of love and support. I cannot individually respond to the hundreds of beautiful and heartfelt messages, but I see them, and appreciate you all for sending positivity to my family and I."
Then, she ended on a personal note.
"I'm not really sure what to say or do in this situation, it's something you aren't ever given a lesson on how to handle, especially when it's all happening in the public eye. So bear with me and know that I am grateful for all the love. Just, being grateful quietly."
People expressed their condolences.
Then, they offered their own tributes to the late actor.
RIP Luke Perry. You are missed.