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Parkland Survivor Lauren Hogg Asks Melania to Tell Trump Jr. to Stop Cyberbullying

Parkland Survivor Lauren Hogg Asks Melania to Tell Trump Jr. to Stop Cyberbullying
(Kelly Lee/Twitter, SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images)

Lauren Hogg, a 14-year-old survivor of the Parkland shooting, reached out to the First Lady and asked her to tell her son-in-law to stop cyberbullying her and her family.

The young teen wrote, "You say that your mission as First Lady is to stop cyber bullying, well then, don't you think it would have been smart to have a convo with your step-son @DonaldJTrumpJr before he liked a post about a false conspiracy theory which in turn put a target on my back."

Trump Jr. "liked" two tweets that promoted a fake conspiracy theory about an ex FBI agent father of a Parkland school shooting survivor.

One of the tweets in question was posted by Graham Ledger, the host of OANN, a far-right cable outlet. "Could it be that this student is running cover for his dad who Works as an FBI agent at the Miami field office Which botched tracking down the Man behind the Valentine day massacre?" Ledger tweeted. "Just wondering. Just connecting some dots."

The tweet referred to Lauren's 17-year-old brother, David Hogg, alleging that his FBI father coached the Parkland survivor to speak out on anti-Trump rhetoric. Ledger apparently deleted the tweet, but someone saved a screen cap.

Trump Jr. "liked" a second tweet, which claimed, "Outspoken Trump-Hating School Shooting Survivor is Son of FBI Agent; MSM Helps Prop Up Incompetent Bureau."

Still reeling from the incident that claimed the lives of 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, the Hogg siblings are now being harassed on social media as a result of Trump Jr. bolstering a conspiracy theory targeting David Hogg.

Lauren told the Huffington Post she'd been inundated with messages of hate online and turned to Melania Trump for help.

I've been getting all these horrible messages from Nazis and white supremacists and I woke up this morning and remembered that Melania Trump's mission was to fight cyberbullying. That's what's happening to me: cyberbullying. I thought she could do something about Donald Trump Jr.

In a followup tweet, Lauren blamed the presidential family. "I'm 14 I should never have had to deal with any of this and even though I thought it couldn't get worse it has because of your family."

Twitter noticed Lauren's plea to Melania, and urged her and her brother to keep fighting the good fight.

H/T - Twitter, HuffingtonPost, DailyBeast