Donald Trump posted a doctored video in which Speaker Nancy Pelosi was made to look like she was stammering through a speech.
Trump later acknowledged the video was altered and that he was aware it was fake.
Hillary Clinton tore into Trump and "his cronies" while speaking at a Harris County Democratic Party's yearly JRR luncheon in Houston, Texas calling the video "sexist trash."
Trump posted the edited footage of Pelosi that first appeared on Fox Business' Lou Dobbs Tonight.
He captioned it with:
Clinton rebuked the administration but also pointed out that their circulation of the video is a clear indication of their fear.
"The president and his cronies have been running around spreading a doctored video of Nancy Pelosi."
"Now it is sexist trash. But it is also a sign that Trump is running scared. So if you believe in the rule of law and the responsibility that we all have to hold our leaders accountable. Then we cannot relent on this front either."
Indy 100 said that a Washington Post analysis determined the video was spliced together from various moments of speech and taken out of context.
Clinton supporters expressed their admiration for her fearless take-down of Trump.
Twitter was quick to remind Trump he doesn't have a clean track record for articulate speeches either.
Sorry, Nancy, but we must declare Trump as the hands-down victor of delivering inarticulate gibberish, 24/7.