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Cher Tries To 'Light A Fire' Under Democrats While Torching Trump—And She Doesn't Mince Words

Cher Tries To 'Light A Fire' Under Democrats While Torching Trump—And She Doesn't Mince Words
Anthony Harvey/AFP/Getty Images

Cher, quintessentially blunt, tried to "light a fire" under Democrats, calling on them to use their mandate and govern more forcefully and effectively.

Cher, who made the remarks during an interview with MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell amid nationwide concerns that the party will face significant losses during this year's midterms, stressed that she wants Democrats to “go on full-tilt and just run around with their hair on fire.”

You can hear what she said in the video below

Cher said:

“I know it’s not the nice thing to do or the genteel thing to do. But, you know, time’s a wasting, guys, and somebody’s got to light a fire."

Nor did she mince words in regard to former President Donald Trump, who has continued to wield significant influence over the Republican Party and still poses a significant threat to Democratic aspirations.

Asked if she’d ever encountered anyone like Trump, Cher said:

“Well, babe, I’ve encountered some junk people and some people … just the worst things, just think of a whole bunch of adjectives. But I’ve never encountered anyone [like Trump]."
"They pale in comparison. You know, the people I know, they couldn’t even … He’s like a horse of a different color.”

Many agreed with Cher's assessment.

Cher's statements come as Democrats shift their focus following a grueling internal battle over policy and climate legislation.

Voting rights have taken center stage again after West Virginia Democratic Senator Joe Manchin, one of the party's right leaning moderates, refused to back the "Build Back Better" agenda, an effort by House and Senate Democrats to codify much of their economic and social policy via a major spending bill.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a New York Democrat, has made clear that the Senate would “consider changes to any rules which prevent us from debating and reaching final conclusion on important legislation,” including voting rights legislation, reigniting debates on whether or not to abolish the filibuster.

President Joe Biden previously announced his support for amending Senate rules and changing the filibuster to pass voting rights legislation.

The change, many critics have poiinted out, would allow Democrats to pursue their agenda in the Senate without needing to court Republican votes.