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TikToker Tracks Down Woman To Warn Her After Overhearing Her Sh*tty Friends Badmouth Her

TikToker Tracks Down Woman To Warn Her After Overhearing Her Sh*tty Friends Badmouth Her

TikTokers are having a ball witnessing an unlikely friendship developed thanks to disloyal friends, a little eavesdropping and the power of social media to connect people in seconds.

The delightful saga began when TikToker @drewbdoobdoo was walking through a New York city park and overheard a group of friends badmouthing their friend, Marissa.

Did @drewbdoobdoo know how Marissa was? No, he had no idea.

So he posted a shot in the dark TikTok video to try and track her down and give her the 411.

"I hate to be the one to stick my nose where it doesn't belong but if your name's Marissa, please listen up."
"I just walked by your friends and I need to tell you that the weekend you're away is not the only time they could do their birthday party. They're choosing to do it the weekend you're away and you need to know."
"TikTok, help me find Marissa."

TikTok don’t let marissa’s friend group do her dirty like this!!! #fyp #ROMWEGetGraphic #marissa #nyc #nycapartment

TikTok viewers were immediately invested.



Orlando Foodie Ang/TikTok

And their hopes were answered.

On the very same day @drewbdoobdoo posted his call to action, TikToker @marissameizz posted a reply confirming she was indeed the Marissa being badmouthed.

"Okay so my name's Marissa, hi, I live in New York City and I saw this video and I'm joining it because in the last two hours I've had over 25-30 people send it to me—people I haven't even talked to since high school."
"And I literally went out of town this weekend, I went on a road trip with a few of my friends. And one of my friends had a birthday party this weekend and she knew I was going out of town and wouldn't reschedule it."
"And now I'm trying to get his attention so if you see this, please, please respond to my DM. I wanna know where you saw these people because if it's in my neighborhood it's definitely about me."


People were thrilled—and almost not surprised—TikTok was able to bring them together.



Ethan Daniel/TikTok



In a follow-up video, Marissa expanded on her journey to discovering the truth.


Reply to @whiskedddd when TikTok CIA knows how bad those friends are for you🤷🏽‍♀️🥲 @drewbdoobdoo #nyc #besties #newyorkcity #marissa

And, lo and behold, the two united.

And the friendship was instant.


Reply to @missangiej Bestie, you’re gonna LOVE what I have to tell you! @marissameizz #MARISSATOK #marissa #nyc #nycfriends

TikTokers couldn't get enough of the hilarious, unexpected, triumphant end to the story.

Pastor Abbey Smith/TikTok

Justin E./TikTok

joshua bassett/TikTok

Tatum Talks/TikTok

As excited as Marissa was to have made such a great new friend, she felt a little ambivalent about all the new fame.

"Not me walking around New York City thinking that people are going to recognize me."
"Also the fact that it's not even like, 'Oh they're recognizing me for something I did great. No, they're recognizing me for having awful friends'."

Reply to @call_me_oliver_ HAHAHAH FML I SWEAR I HAVE BETTER FRIENDS THAN THIS HAHAHAHAHA #nyc #newyorkcity #marissa #besties

The saga continued when Marissa posted another video outlining the response from one of the friends in her friend group.

Simply put, Marissa is too cool and nice, so they didn't want her getting all the love at the party.


Reply to @dasherdiaries PART 4 HAHAHA THIS IS GETTING TO BE A LOT AND IM SHOOK RN #nyc #newyorkcity #marissa #bye

Ultimately, however, Marissa got the last laugh.

She and @drewbdboobdoo have become fast friends.

You'd never know they just met a week or so ago.


NYC— PART 3 — THANKS FOR FINDING MY BESTIE FOR LIFE @drewbdoobdoo #nyc #besties #newyorkcity #marissa

Just when you thought TikTok might be a waste of time, remember it can be used to do some serious detective work, make new friends, or both.