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New Wax Statue Of The Rock In France Is Getting Called Out For Looking Very Caucasian

After a new wax statue of Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson was unveiled at the Musée Grévin in Paris, people pointed out a very noticeable issue with the statue's pigmentation.

Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson
Scott Taetsch/Getty Images

A new wax statue of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is drawing criticism following its reveal for getting wrong one very important detail about The Rock's appearance.

The statue was unveiled this week at Paris' famous Musée Grévin wax museum, and while the creators nailed the former WWE star's enormously muscular physique and stance, they seemed to have forgotten that Johnson isn't White.

Johnson has been outspoken about being proud of his Samoan and Black Nova Scotian background, whereas his wax figure is...more like some White guy who goes to the gym a lot.

The result is a sort of uncanny feeling—it sort of looks like The Rock, what with all the muscles and the shaved head and the knowing smirk and all, but it also looks like some White gym-rat youth pastor or something.

The unveiling of the statue seems to have been quite an event at the Musée Grévin, with fans lining up to take snapshots with the wax version of their favorite star—which has meant plenty of photos of the not-so-accurate wax statue for the internet to take notice of.

And the very pale skin tone wasn't the only bone people have to pick with the statue—many feel it also looks more like Vin Diesel than The Rock.

All in all, suffice to say The Rock's newest wax statue hasn't gone over well on social media.

The Rock has had kind of a bad run of luck when it comes to wax statues of his likeness.

In 2022, four wax statues of Johnson were unveiled at Madame Tussaud's locations worldwide, and fans found many of them downright creepy.

Those at least gave him the correct skin tone, however.