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Jen Psaki Shuts Down Fox News Reporter After He Complains  Biden 'Never' Calls On Him

Jen Psaki Shuts Down Fox News Reporter After He Complains  Biden 'Never' Calls On Him

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki is no stranger to reporters trying to derail press conferences. Earlier this month, a reporter from EWTN Global Catholic Network tried to catch her up with right-wing talking points about forcing medical providers to perform procedures they disagree with in reference to the Equality Act.

More recently, Peter Doocy of Fox News complained during a press conference his network is "never" among those on the list to be called on by the President to ask questions.

Doocy—the son of Fox & Friends host Steve Doocy—asked:

"Fox is the only member of the five-network TV pool that has never been on the list in front of the President, and I'm just curious if that is kind of official administration policy."

Psaki had no time for Doocy's complaining in the form of a question.

"We're having a conversation right now, aren't we? And do I take questions from you every time you come to the briefing room?"
"Has the President taken questions from you since ... he came into office? Yes or no?"

Doocy's mildly petulant reply left something to be desired.

"Unfortunately, only when I have shouted after he goes through his whole list. And the President has been very generous with his time with Fox. I'm just curious about this list that he is given."

You can view their whole conversation below.

Twitter users weren't impressed by Doocy's question, but they loved Psaki's answer.

People noted over and over Press Secretary Psaki keeps proving she knows how to handle questions asked in bad faith with grace and poise.