Have you ever experienced something that never made sense no matter how much you wracked your brain?
The unexplainable phenomenon is something many people apparently experienced when Redditor elibwell asked:
"What is the strangest thing that happened to you that you can't logically explain?"
Life is strange. Or our minds are the ultimate hoodwinkers.
What logic-defying events still haunt you today?
Ken Waved At Me
"As a child visiting my Grandma's house (My Mum's - mum), whenever I left the house I'd wave next door to Ken who was always sat in the bay window looking out at the sea. They lived right on the coast off the North Sea in Hartlepool (UK) We'd never really talk, but just a little wave before I went to get into the car."
"One time I'm leaving my Grans house, I'm in front of my Mum who's stopped at the door to talk to my Gran. So I head down the steps and towards the gate. I turn back and see Ken in the window. Big smile as usual, waving at me. I give him a wave back. He stands up, gives me the thumbs up, and wanders towards the back of the room. My Mum comes walking down the steps and asks 'Who are you waving at?' I replied 'Ken.'"
"To this day, I can remember my mam's face. She just went white, but didn't say anything to me."
"It was only a few weeks later when she plucked up the courage to tell me, that Ken had died a few days prior to our visit to my Grans."
"I don't believe in ghosts, but I know I saw him. I can still picture his striped grey sweater with light stripes across it. Him waving and getting up out of his chair. There was no-one else in the house, he lived by himself."
"Brains are weird."
Vanishing Belt
"I once was changing pants in my room before work and took off my belt. After putting on my other pair of pants, I went to put my belt back on but it belt was gone. No one else was in the room and I spent a good 10 minutes looking for it as I had simply set it on the floor. It's been 10 years and I've never seen that belt again."
– JonesE27
Disembodied Voice
"I'm a firefighter and we got a call for an overdose around 3 am to a rough part of our district in the middle of winter. Unfortunately the patient was long gone and her dealer or whatever found her like that when he dropped some stuff. As we were packing up our stuff mind you this is a absolutely trashed mobile home, I hear something down the hall that said 'lights?' I ask my partner if he said anything as it was just him and I cleaning up he said no. I walk to the far end of the trailer where I heard it and shine my flashlight I get a reflection out of the window. They have a small tool shed and it had a flickering light, it peeked my interest so my partner and I go out there. We hear crying and notice the door is padlocked. We cut it, and this little six year old girl was in there. She said her mom puts her in there when she gets mad at her. She said she got scared when she heard the sirens and didn't know what to do. To this day I have no idea what happened or where the voice came from, but I'll take the win on it."
Sounds Painful
"I once shut my ear in a car door. No idea how, have tried to recreate it and can't, but my god that hurt!"
– meehaja
A Soft Landing
"This one is strange to me because it was so long ago and I'm convinced I have to be remembering things wrong. I was a young kid at the grocery store and I saw this toy helicopter (like hot wheel sized) that I really wanted for some reason. I, of course, didn't buy it, but it the memory of it stuck in my head. A few nights later, I had a dream where I was playing with the helicopter, but I realized it was a dream and stupid young me thought that if I put it under my pillow, it would still be there when I woke up. After that, I woke up and eagerly checked under the pillow to get it. For some reason, it was right where I left it in the dream. As a kid, I wasn't surprised to find it there as it all made perfect since to me then, but years later I have no clue how the toy helicopter actually got underneath the pillow."
– Rawhited
How Did We Get Here?
"When I was about 12 years old I went up to Lake Tahoe with my friend and his parents who had a condo in Incline Village. One day, the two of us are walking to the bowling alley and cross a street in a crosswalk. Right before we get to the curb, a car comes really close to hitting us. All of a sudden, we're both up on the curb, like we were lifted a few feet. We both looked at each other strangely."
"Did you jump?"
"No, did you?"
"We spent the next hour kind of dumbfounded. It didn't feel like a shove or any use of force. We were still in the street, then we weren't."
– Plumhawk
"I hit a patch of black ice in the dark going 60mph down the highway. At the time, I drove a 1 ton cargo van. It hit the guard rail and flipped. Not only did I walk away without a scratch, the car was drivable and I was only 30 min late to work."
Doesn't Add Up
"When I was younger, in elementary school, I used to have the same dream every weekend starting on Saturday (when I would go to sleep) and then waking up in the middle of the night (on Sunday) and throwing up. The dream was always a bunch of numbers. Not even anything happening just a bunch of random jumbled up numbers all over the place. I never understood why that happened where the same dream would happen on the same night every week and I would throw up every single time. I always think about it and wonder what it was or if it was just some weird coincidence. Also I would not have any signs of being sick before or after. Maybe someone else has experienced this???"
Mandella Effect
"I have a vivid memory of being at the Statue of Liberty as a child, on my dad's shoulders, seeing the skyline of NYC. I remember what we ate for lunch that day, etc. I remember the ferry we took. I've always thought about this memory and talked about it, but my family denies I ever went to NYC. I didn't go for the first time until I was 23, but strangely enough, when I went, I remembered everything just how it had been when I was there with my dad."
The Unexpected Reunion
"Long story short, I lost a jacket at a roller rink when I was in 3rd grade. I had a lucky rabbit foot in the pocket that I bought at the skate shop inside."
"Months later, my mother, who is adopted, found her birth mother and her half sister. The first time I went to my newly found Aunt's house, she said she had a jacket that might fit me. It was my jacket, rabbit foot still in the pocket."
Guardian Angel
"I have very vivid and intense dreams. One night when I was around thirteen or fourteen I was dreaming of a safari hunt for t-rexes and we had to save a golden idol from pirates in the jungle. Strange dream but during it, while running, everything suddenly stopped. I saw myself face me (not sure how to phrase that) and I said, 'Amythystia wake up! Everything is about to shake and you're in danger. Wake up!'"
"I woke up instantly and sat up confused. Roughly fifteen seconds later my boxer puppy woke up and started whimpering and whining and the rabbit I had started hopping in his cage. Seconds later an earthquake occured. It wasn't very big, but strong enough to knock several photos down and my shelf. Now this specific shelf was mounted above my head. It was made of a very thick type of wood and on it was a collection of random 'prized' items, including a quart jar filled with sand and shells, several large books, a heavy statuette, etc. Sufficient to say it was quite heavy. When it fell, it fell directly onto my pillow where my head had been a moment before. I hadn't ever felt an earthquake and live in a northern midwest state that rarely gets earthquakes strong enough to be felt."
"I have had other dreams since that foreshadowed events but that was the only one that happened immediately after. It still gives me chills."
Same Frequency
"I swear my 4 year old can read my mind or we think on the same wavelength sometimes. I've randomly thought of a specific food (ie ice cream which we rarely have) and he ask me 'can we get ice cream?.' Or I'll be thinking about my mom and he'll ask 'can we go to grandmas?.'"
Unseen Visitor
"When I was 10 I had a radio and bean bag chair in my room. As I was starting to fall asleep the radio suddenly changed the channel multiple times before I heard the bean bag chair in my room slowly fold in on its self making the noise a bean bag chair would make if someone where to sit in it. Not sure what caused this but certainly freaked me out."
The Creeper
"We used to live on a semi main road right off of Main Street in my hometown. The house was over 100 years old. We had a stairwell from the first floor to the second floor that was completely walled in with only an archway/doorway with no door.If you sat in our living room on either of the couches at any time of day, you might just see a dark head pop around the corner of the archway/doorway and stare at you. If you look straight at him he'll duck back into the stairwell, but you watch him go. He doesn't just disappear or fade away, you can actually see his head duck back into the stairwell. We all saw it, and various friends of ours would report it to us randomly too without us ever mentioning it to them. My mom tried talking to him but he never responded. Just stared at us from afar. The most anybody ever actually saw of him was part of his chest/shoulder."