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People Are Making Hilarious Memes Using Only Emojis And Punctuation

'Of Mice and Men be like…'

People Are Making Hilarious Memes Using Only Emojis And Punctuation

We all love a good Gif or video, but when media is in short supply social media users are increasingly discovering there's a different medium they can use to illustrate their point.

Not words obviously, leave those to the bookworms, but a different way to make pictures – emojis and keyboards characters.

When used shrewdly these icons can make memes of the highest quality and the 11 expertly-crafted illustrations below are no exception.

1. The tragedy of George and Lenny

2. Birthday balloons

3. Harry, Louis, Niall, Liam and Zayn

4. A Mexican stand-off in the office

5. Genitalia

6. Square-panted sea creatures

7. Trash

8. Marvel superheros

9. Eyes

10. History

11. Large-lobed humans

No photography or filming skills required, just hop on your device and start start typing.

A version of this article originally appeared on Press Association.